The Microsoft Adaptive Mouse lets you adjust how far the mouse cursor moves when you move your mouse. When you adjust this setting, you’re adjusting the DPI (dots per inch) of your mouse. The higher the DPI is, the faster your cursor moves across the screen. ...
搜尋Search for help 變更滑鼠設定 Applies To Windows 7 您可以在 Windows 中使用各種不同的方式來自訂滑鼠。 例如,您可以交換滑鼠按鍵的功能、讓滑鼠指標變得更明顯,以及更改滑鼠滾輪的捲動速度。
LPDIRECTINPUT8 pDI; LPDIRECTINPUTDEVICE8 pMouse; hr = DirectInput8Create(GetModuleHandle(NULL), DIRECTINPUT_VERSION, IID_IDirectInput8, (VOID**)&pDI,NULL);if(FAILED(hr))returnhr; hr = pDI->CreateDevice(GUID_SysMouse, &pMouse,NULL);if(FAILED(hr))returnhr; hr = pMouse->SetDataF...
如果此窗口没有“兼容性”选项卡,请确定应用程序中的选项是否包括禁用高 DPI 缩放的功能。
voidOnLButtonDown(intpixelX,intpixelY, DWORD flags);voidOnLButtonUp();voidOnMouseMove(intpixelX,intpixelY, DWORD flags); Mouse coordinates are given in physical pixels, but Direct2D expects device-independent pixels (DIPs). To handle high-DPI settings correctly, you must translate the pixel coord...
Microsoft 微软 Surface Mobile Mouse是一款结合了时尚与实用性的蓝牙无线鼠标,其1000DPI的高分辨率使其能够适应多种表面,包括光滑的玻璃、木桌和金属等。它配备了4个按键和一个滚轮,支持7号电池供电。外观上,这款鼠标提供了多种颜色选择,如经典黑、亮铂金、灰钴蓝、酒红色和石墨黑等,确保每位用户都...
Microsoft Surface Mobile Mouse 无线蓝牙鼠标,1000DPI,是一款结合了高效、精准与人体工程学设计的电脑外设。它不仅外观时尚,颜色多样,如经典黑、亮铂金、灰钴蓝、酒红色和石墨黑等,还具有多项实用功能,满足不同用户的需求。这款鼠标采用蓝牙无线技术,连接距离长达10米,让您在家庭或办公室中自由移动...
InternetExplorerModeClearDataOnExitEnabled 策略控制每次关闭Microsoft Edge 时是否从 Internet Explorer 和 Internet Explorer 模式中删除浏览历史记录。 用户还可以在“设置”的“隐私、搜索和服务”菜单中的“清除 Internet Explorer 浏览数据”选项 (edge://settings/privacy) 配置此设置。策略...
if ((GetMessageExtraInfo() & MOUSEEVENTF_FROMTOUCH) == MOUSEEVENTF_FROMTOUCH) { // Click was generated by wisptis / Windows Touch }else{ // Click was generated by the mouse. } 展开表 类别说明 问题如何实现在 Windows 7 上运行 Microsoft PixelSense 应用程序?
You can customize your mouse in a variety of ways in Windows. For instance, you can swap the functions of your mouse buttons, make the mouse pointer more visible, and alter the scroll speed of the mouse wheel. To change how the mouse buttons work To change how the mouse pointer looks ...