具有指纹 ID 的 Microsoft 新式键盘与 Windows 11 设备配对,使用盒装 USB 电缆。 若要配对带指纹识别的 Microsoft 现代键盘,请按照以下步骤进行操作。 要求 具有指纹 ID 的 Microsoft 新式键盘Windows 11 以及支持 蓝牙 4.0、蓝牙 LE 或 蓝牙智能 的设备。 在配对键盘之前,请确保 Windows 已更新为最新版本...
Microsoft Modern Keyboard with Fingerprint ID requires Windows 11, and a device that supports Bluetooth 4.0, Bluetooth LE, or Bluetooth Smart. Before pairing the keyboard, please make sure that Windows is updated to the latest version. For info on how to check for Windows Updates, seeWi...
Get the Microsoft Modern Keyboard with Fingerprint ID at Microsoft Store and compare products with the latest customer reviews and ratings. Download or order for delivery for free. Free returns.
Microsoft has taken the wraps off another new keyboard, adding to an ever increasing list of peripherals offered by the company. The latest, dubbed the Microsoft Modern Keyboard with Fingerprint ID, is not yet available to buy but is instead listed as "C
Keyboard with Fingerprint ID Installer helps you download and install all key components needed for the Microsoft Modern Keyboard with Fingerprint ID to be functional.
✅ Paring the Microsoft Modern Keyboard with Fingerprint ID model 1780:I have had a Microsoft Modern Keyboard with Fingerprint ID model 1780 for years and have never been able to pair it.The first issue i have is i cant...
微软(Microsoft)Modern Keyboard 指纹识别功能蓝牙键盘988元京东去购买在京东浏览了一圈,发现只有这货才支持指纹识别功能,别的品牌还没看到支持指纹识别功能的键盘。原价988元,特价788元,由于是刚需觉得价格合适,用了一张-7元的优惠券,而且恰好打了特价,二话不多说下单入手。
Microsoft 微软 Modern Keyboard 无线蓝牙键盘 带指纹识别功能859元 天猫商城 > 2 Microsoft 微软 Modern Keyboard 怎么样? 使用感受: 建议是搭配最新的Windows 10系统,会自动识别安装驱动(免驱,即插即用) 当正常识别出来后会在设备管理器中多一个生物识别设备的显示:Keyboard Fingerprint Sensor 在Windows设置→账户...
Microsoft 微软 Modern Keyboard 指纹识别版键盘. 上月,微软中国发布了一款全新的surface时尚键盘,这款键盘的最大特色就是指纹识别功能(支持Windows Hello生物识别),为 Windows 10用户带来优质、专业的键入体验。 surface键盘的指纹传感器被..
Opmerking:Microsoft Modern Keyboard with Fingerprint ID installer is niet compatibel met Windows ARM-pc's, zoals Surface Pro X. Meer informatie overWindows ARM pc's. Het toetsenbord verbinden Zorg ervoor dat Windows 11 apparaat is verbonden met internet. ...