Shop for a new Windows 11 PC or we can help you find one. Help me choose Frequently asked questions | Need additional assistance? Learn tips, tricks and tools to use Phone Link successfully. Phone Link help & learning Troubleshoot issues, receive tech support, and learn how to get the mo...
若要获得该 QR 代码,请在电脑上打开浏览器并访问。 在Android 设备上,使用应用内摄像头扫描电脑上显示的 QR 码。 扫描QR 码后,可能会要求提供多个权限。 这些权限允许你电脑上的手机访问内容。 如果你在安装应用时遇到问题,请在此处解决问题。
Protect your personal and business data from outside breaches by securely logging into your organization's applications with Microsoft's mobile authenticator app.
对于某些 Android 设备,“电池优化”设置可能中断连接。 建议在 Android 设备上的 连接至 Windows 应用中将其关闭。 在Android 设备上关闭电池优化 在选择的 Android 设备上关闭电池优化 一些应用可能会干扰通话。 这意味着什么? 出现错误的原因可能是,你可能已将 Android 设备与电脑与第三方应用配对,或者你的设备可...
With Link to Windows on your Android device and the Phone Link on your PC, your opportunities are limitless. Seamlessly transfer content between your devices, use your mobile apps right on your PC, and more. Current...
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Dear MS Support Team, my name is Felix and I am working for a NGO providing important youth health care. We use a MS educational supported M365 Tennant. I have upgraded my mobile phone and now I cant login to the Tennant anymore, due to missing 2FA Token… ...
I can use mstsc.exe to successfully administer a remote PC (by IP address). However, the downloaded remote desktop app will not connect, it reports... You have been disconnected because another connection was made to the remote PC. Error code: 0x516… ...
ms-settings:mobile-devices-addphone-direct (Opens Your Phone app) Device Usage ms-settings:deviceusagePrivacy展开表 Settings pageURI Accessory apps ms-settings:privacy-accessoryapps (Deprecated in Windows 10, version 1809 and later) Account info ms-settings:privacy-accountinfo Activity history ms-...
❶ 在 Windows Phone 上,商務用 Skype 在閑置一段時間后自動註銷,如下所示: 如果使用者已啟用推入通知,商務用 Skype 在閑置 10 天后註銷。 如果使用者尚未啟用推入通知,商務用 Skype 在使用者離開應用程式後立即註銷。 在iOS 裝置上,行動用戶端因為網路連線中斷或其他問題而 10 天未連絡伺服器後,商務用 S...