Windows Media Player is beschikbaar voor apparaten gebaseerd op Windows. Bepaal aan de hand van deze tabel welke versie van de Player geschikt is voor uw systeem. (Als u een Mac hebt, kunt u Windows Media Components voor QuickTime downloaden voor het afspelen van Windows Media-bestanden.)...
| 版本: All Date Published: 2007/3/26 File Name: Windows6.0-KB931621-x86.msu File Size: 279.0 KB KB Articles: KB931621 Install this update to enable access to external storage cards on new Windows Mobile devices using Windows Media Player 11 in Windows Vista. ...
01 DirectX End-User Runtime Web 安裝程式 Microsoft DirectX® End-User Runtime 會安裝許多執行階段程式庫,包括某些使用 D3DX9、D3DX10、D3DX11、XAudio 2.7、XInput 1.3、XACT 和 (或) Managed DirectX 1.1 的遊戲所適用的舊版 DirectX SDK 中的程式庫。請注意,此套件不會以任何方式修改您的 Windows 作業...
MediaPlayer.DownloadProgress 屬性參考 意見反應 定義命名空間: System.Windows.Media 組件: PresentationCore.dll 取得下載遠端伺服器上之內容時的下載進度百分比。 C# 複製 public double DownloadProgress { get; } 屬性值 Double 下載遠端伺服器上之內容時的下載進度百分比會以介於 0 到 1 的值來表示。 預設...
Visual Basic Downloads PASCO Not Recognized Internet Explorer — 其他技术文档 Exchange 2000 Server 规划 jimkim test sharethis WM有约II(二):持续改进-李永伦 TechNet 网络广播视频:微软虚拟化解决方案概览 创建数据访问层VB Virtual Labs - Visual Studio 2008 书评:《Introducing Silverlight 2》 –第十三章-...
Windows Media Player 10已经发布了。关于Windows Media Player 10的介绍,大家可以看看:也可以从下面的链接下载:不过...
Well it is ready to rock our new media player. It was interesting reading the vibe on theblogosphere. The general concensus is that Microsoft are better positioned than most to provide solid competition to Apples Itunes. Some of the new features look great such as ...
Download Windows Media Player Get Windows Media Player for your version of Windows, or learn how to play Windows Media files on your Mac.Get the details here. Get help Find help and how-to information for your version of Windows Media Player. Learn about the features and how to fix problem...
在VLC Media Player中,单击“打开文件”并选择你的视频。如果视频是H.265格式的,VLC Media Player将使用其内置的解码器播放视频。VLC Player是一个免费下载的第三方应用程序。它已包含对H.265视频的支持,因此您可以绕过上述措施。为了使过程更加无缝,请前往“设置” -“应用”-“默认应用”,然后选择“ VLC”作为...
Users can download a Windows Media Download package from a website simply by clicking a link. Once the package is downloaded to the user's computer, Windows Media Player extracts the files inside the package automatically, then adds the packaged playlist to the playlists drop-down box, adds ...