OneNote for Windows 或 Web 云策略:在支持Loop Microsoft应用中创建和查看Loop文件 用户的 OneDrive: 📁OneNote Loop files Whiteboard 云策略:在支持Loop Microsoft应用中创建和查看Loop文件 用户的 OneDrive: 📁Whiteboard\Components示例配置展开表 应用场景策略配置 ✅在任意位置启用Loop工作区创建和Loop组件创建...
The following list provides the Loop component specific considerations: Ensure that your component is true to the Loop components attributes such as, live, actionable, embedded, and portable. Don’t add a separate button to open in browser. Don’t add a duplicate header or border.Don...
Loop components and integrations are backed by.loopfiles (earlier releases of Loop created these as.fluidfiles), stored in OneDrive, SharePoint, orSharePoint Embedded. IT administrators need to manage creation of Loop content and integrations usingBOTH: ...
Collaborate in real time with Microsoft Loop. Organize tasks, share ideas, and integrate workflows across teams. Start using Loop today to boost productivity.
目前,Microsoft Teams中的Loop Components仅对同一个组织内的1:1 Chats或者Group Chats中可用,成为Live Components,若要开始与其他同事使用它,你需要做到以下几点: 在Microsoft Teams中,点击你头像旁边的三个... 从菜单中选择About,然后选择Developer Preview ...
在Outlook 中编辑Loop组件 Loop组件链接的收件人可以轻松添加编辑或批注。 无论在何处进行编辑,组件都将始终显示最新更改。 在Loop 组件中,选择要添加或编辑内容的位置。 继续键入和编辑。 (可选)输入斜杠 (/) 以插入 @提及或日期等内容。 在Outlook 中查看Loop组件的活动和访问权限 ...
1. Loop组件是为协作而构建的 Loop组件时,聊天中的每个人都可以立即编辑和查看更改。 这意味着你可以直接在聊天消息中协作。 转到消息区域,并从空白邮件开始。 选择Loop组件 ,选择组件类型,输入一些内容以指导协作,然后按“发送 ”。 聊天中的每个人都可以编辑你的消息。
随着项目的不同元素的进展,Microsoft Loop 可以帮助每个人了解最新情况并专注于工作的最重要方面。 When working on dynamic projects, you often need to share information with different groups of people, some of whom may not be on your immediate project team...
Open the whiteboard in which you want to create a new Loop component. Select the "..." from the bottom menu. Select the Loop components option. Choose from aTask list,Table,Voting table,Progress trackerorChecklistto insert on canvas. If using a mouse, click on the canvas to insert th...
Loop components can be easily shared and always reflect the latest changes. You can share a component from one email to another email or to a Microsoft Teams chat and invite more people to collaborate. No matter where edits are made, the component will always show...