我们使用可选的 Cookie,通过社交媒体连接等方式改善你在我们网站上的体验,并且根据你的在线活动投放个性化的广告。 如果你拒绝可选 Cookie,则我们将仅使用为你提供服务所必须的 Cookie。 你可以单击页面底部的“管理 Cookie”更改你的选择。隐私声明 第三方 Cookie 接受 拒绝 管理Cookie ...
透過清單掌握所有工作,這是 Microsoft 365 中的智慧資訊追蹤應用程式。隨時隨地與任何人共同作業。設定您的清單,以便更完善整理事件、問題、資產等內容。Video container 與任何人建立、共用和追蹤清單 使用現成範本快速上手。查看最近和最愛的清單。隨時隨地都能追蹤及管理清單。與其他人輕鬆共用清單。透過清單與所有...
本主題說明如何使用 Windows App SDK 將控件(或其他 UI 元素)系結至單一專案,或將專案的控件系結至 WinUI 應用程式中的專案集合。
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The Lists app in Microsoft 365 Microsoft SharePoint Microsoft Teams Lists can include multiple types of data, such as text, dates, and files, making them ideal for tracking tasks, issues, and other essential information. Customization options are robust, allowing you to create different views, ...
For more info, design guidance, and code examples, see Lists. ListBox lets users select from a pre-defined list of options presented like a text control. Use a ListBox when you want the options to be visible all the time or when users can select more than one option at a time. List...
When Enabled, unsorted and ungrouped lists can be reordered by user manipulation. (Inherited from ListViewBase) RequestedTheme Gets or sets the UI theme that is used by the UIElement (and its child elements) for resource determination. The UI theme you specify with RequestedTheme can override...
When Enabled, unsorted and ungrouped lists can be reordered by user manipulation. (Inherited from ListViewBase) RequestedTheme Gets or sets the UI theme that is used by the UIElement (and its child elements) for resource determination. The UI theme you specify with RequestedTheme can override...
Windows 计算器(Windows Calculator) Microsoft 白板(Microsoft Whiteboard) Microsoft To Do: Lists, Tasks & Reminders Cortana Xbox Windows 相机(Windows Camera) 应用安装程序(App Installer) Microsoft Sudoku Microsoft Edge浏览器(Microsoft Edge Browser) ...
ms-windows-store://pdp/?productid=9NXQQ40LDW3X Simplenote is an easy way to keep notes, lists, ideas, and more. Your notes stay in sync with all of your devices for free. The Simplenote experience is all about speed and efficiency. Open it, write some thoughts, and you're done. ...