例如,假设导致 404 错误的 URL,IIShttp://Microsoft.Com/Test/File1.htm管理单元显示,对于 Microsoft.Com 网站,/Test/ 目录实际上是映射到 IIS 计算机上的 c:\Information 位置的虚拟目录。 这意味着必须验证File1.htm文件是否位于 c:\Information 目录中(并且文件名拼写正确)。
A 404 is because the file can't be found. The ASP.NET process hasn't even been invoked yet, so the version isn't an issue yet. You do need to change the version, but you should look at permissions, physical locations and make sure the files really are where the site points t...
Enterprise subordinate CA does not show up in certificate authorities list Error - The imported certificate does not match the chosen CA type and will not be used. However, the imported key can still be used Error "your account is configured to prevent you from using this computer. please try...
MouseDeviceList Property (Microsoft.Multipoint.Sdk) MultipointTextBox.Dispose Method (Microsoft.Multipoint.Sdk.Controls) IMultipointGenericDeviceEvents.MultipointDeviceDown Event (Microsoft.Multipoint.Sdk.Controls) MultipointMouseEvents.RemoveMultipointPreviewMouseRightButtonDownHandler Method (Microsoft.Multi...
Bemærk!:Hvis "404 FILE NOT FOUND" vises på skærmen, når du har valgtGem, er du sandsynligvis stødt på et kendt problem, som det tekniske team arbejder på i øjeblikket. VælgOpret en listepå siden Teams. ...
0xC0014053-1073659821 DTS_E_VARIABLEALREADYONWRITELIST 变量“%1”已在写入列表中。 一个变量只能向读取锁定列表或写入锁定列表中添加一次。 0xC0014054-1073659820 DTS_E_LOCKVARIABLEFORREAD 无法锁定变量“%1”进行读访问,错误为 0x%2!8.8X! “%3”。 0xC0014055-1073659819 DTS_E_LOCKVAR...
When i click on Files, on the left pane in Teams in order to access OneDrive only "404 File not found" appears. I think this happens since I changed my primary mail-address. I changed it back but the error persists. Any ideas?
MouseDeviceList Property (Microsoft.Multipoint.Sdk) MultipointTextBox.Dispose Method (Microsoft.Multipoint.Sdk.Controls) IMultipointGenericDeviceEvents.MultipointDeviceDown Event (Microsoft.Multipoint.Sdk.Controls) MultipointMouseEvents.RemoveMultipointPreviewMouseRightButtonDownHandler Method (Microsoft.Multi...
<configuration> <location allowOverride="false"> <system.net> <defaultProxy> <proxy usesystemdefault="false" proxyaddress = "https://proxy.server.foo.com:80" bypassonlocal = "true" /> <bypasslist> <add address="10\.*"/> <add address="dns\.foo\.com" /> <add address="name1\.name...
The view is responsible for displaying the list of Bookmark entities supplied to it by the controller. The Details method looks up the target bookmark and returns a 404 Not Found error if it doesn't exist. Then it ensures that the user is authorized to view the bookmark. If so, it ...