{ "keys": "ctrl+shift+d", "id": "Terminal.DuplicateTab" } 新增標籤這會建立新的索引標籤。沒有任何引數,這會在新的索引標籤中開啟預設設定檔。如果未指定索引,則會使用預設設定檔的對等設定。 如果索引未對應至設定檔,則按鍵會直接傳遞至終端機 (如果未使用任何按鍵叫用動作,則會忽略按鍵)。命令...
Windows 终端是一个新式主机应用程序,它面向你喜爱的命令行 shell,如命令提示符、PowerShell 和 bash(通过适用于 Linux 的 Windows 子系统 (WSL))。 它的主要功能包括多个选项卡、窗格、Unicode 和 UTF-8 字符支持、GPU 加速文本呈现引擎,你还可用它来创建你自己的主题并自定义文本、颜色、背景和快捷方式。
终端允许使用键盘在窗格之间导航。 如果按住Alt键,则可以使用箭头键在窗格之间移动焦点。 可以通过窗格周围的主题色边框来识别哪个窗格是焦点。 请注意,此主题色是在 Windows 颜色设置中设置的。 可以为moveFocus命令添加键绑定并将direction设置为down、left、right或up来自定义此项。 此外,对于最后使用的窗格,direction...
使用命令winget install Microsoft.WindowsTerminalwinget install Microsoft.WindowsTerminal.Preview或获取 1.17 预览版,从 Windows 应用商店获取Windows 终端。 推荐的资源 Windows 终端开源 GitHub 存储库 相关剧集 每个星期二的新剧集! 在Microsoft 打开 |Microsoft Learn 在Microsoft 播放列表中打开 连接 克里斯托弗·...
Terminal Services allows Windows 2000 to support many different usage situations, from a very powerful, "heavy" desktop running Windows 2000 Professional, to a very "light" Terminal Services–based desktop. Some organizations use both; they supply users with the more powerful desktop for the applica...
Windows Media Center Extender Windows Update Windows Server Commands, References, and Tools Windows Server Content by Category Browse Windows Server Technologies Windows Server 2008 R2 Solutions Windows Server Update Services (WSUS) Learn Previous Versions ...
Install the Terminal Server role service. Install Windows System Resource Manager. Configure Windows System Resource Manager for Terminal Services. Installing Terminal Server Install the Terminal Server role service on your computer before installing and configuring Windows System Resource Manager. ...
Terminal Services allows Windows 2000 to support many different usage situations, from a very powerful, "heavy" desktop running Windows 2000 Professional, to a very "light" Terminal Services–based desktop. Some organizations use both; they supply users with the more powerful desktop for the applica...
Terminal Services provides technologies that enable access to a server running Windows-based programs or the full Windows desktop. Users can connect to a terminal server to run programs, save files, and use network resources on that server.
Learn advanced options for troubleshooting stop errors, also known as blue screen errors or bug check errors.