DC上安装LAPS.msi客户端管理插件,注意要把Management Tools全部安装上 扩展AD Schema 在DC上以管理员身份运行PowerShell,需要操作账户有架构管理员的权限(Schema Admin) Import-ModuleAdmPwd.PSUpdate-AdmPwdADSchema#扩展2个新的属性:#ms-Mcs-AdmPwd#ms-Mcs-AdmPwdExpirationTime # 新版本的Windows LAPS , Update-Lap...
Management tools: .NET Framework 4.0 PowerShell 2.0 or above FAQs Where can I download LAPS? You can download the tool from the download centerhere. Is LAPS officially supported? LAPS customer support is available through Microsoft Premier Support Services. ...
5. On the features window, deselect default “AdmPwd GPO Extension” and select “Management Tools”. If you also managing the local administrator account of the management server, you also need to install “AdmPwd GPO Extension”. In my demo setup, I am installing it in a Domain controller ...
Now we know where the client systems are. Now let's start with the installation of the management tools. In my test environment I use the DC01 system (this is a domain controller) because I have no other system available. You can also use another ser...
The solution’s management tools provide easy configuration and administration. How does LAPS work? The core of the LAPS solution is a GPO client-side extension (CSE) that performs the following tasks and can enforce the following actions during a GPO update: • Checks whether the password ...
Windows LAPS 管理单元可用性 已启用 Windows LAPS 的 Active Directory 用户和计算机管理单元适用于已使用 Windows LAPS 功能进行修补的 Windows Server 平台。 必须将 Active Directory 用户和计算机管理单元作为较大Active Directory Domain Services角色的一部分或作为AD DS Snap-in and Command-Line Tools单个功能的一...
EnterpriseAppVManagement EnterpriseDataProtection EnterpriseDesktopAppManagement EnterpriseModernAppManagement eUICCs Firewall HealthAttestation LanguagePackManagement LAPS MultiSIM NAP NAPDEF NetworkProxy NetworkQoSPolicy NodeCache Office PassportForWork Personal Data Encryption Personalization PrinterProvisioning Provisioning...
EnterpriseAppVManagement EnterpriseDataProtection EnterpriseDesktopAppManagement EnterpriseModernAppManagement eUICCs Firewall HealthAttestation LanguagePackManagement LAPS MultiSIM NAP NAPDEF NetworkProxy NetworkQoSPolicy NodeCache Office PassportForWork Personal Data Encryption Personalization PrinterProvisioning Provisioning...
Supported Values: String form of request ID. Example format of request ID is GUID. Server can choose the format as needed according to the management tools.Note Key rotation is supported only on these enrollment types. For more information, see deviceEnrollmentType enum. windowsAzureADJoin. ...
EnterpriseAppVManagement EnterpriseDataProtection EnterpriseDesktopAppManagement EnterpriseModernAppManagement eUICCs 防火墙 HealthAttestation LanguagePackManagement LAPS MultiSIM NAP NAPDEF NetworkProxy NetworkQoSPolicy NodeCache Office PassportForWork 个人数据加密 个性化 PrinterProvisioning 预配 PXLOGICAL 重启 RemoteFind...