{issuer}/.well-known/openid-configuration"// Load list of keys from keys URIkeyList =download JSONfromjwks_uri property of oidcConfigurationforeach(keyinkeyList){ cache entry =lookupincachebykid property of keyif(cache entry found)setexpiration of cache entry to now + 24helseaddkey to cache...
KeyMapEntry 类 本文原文为英文,已针对你所在市场进行了翻译。 你对所用语言的质量的满意度如何? 请告诉我们 消除警报 版本 DocumentFormat.OpenXml 3.0.1 EventDocContentControlAfterInsertXsdString EventDocContentControlBeforeDeleteXsdString EventDocContentControlOnEnterXsdString...
PropertyValue Description Postal Code. DisplayName Postal Code IsValidForForm True IsValidForRead True LogicalName postalcode RequiredLevel None Type String Format Text FormatName Text ImeMode Auto IsLocalizable False MaxLength 100PreferredLanguage展开...
A device code authentication flow is a numeric or alphanumeric code used to authenticate an account from an input-constrained device that does not have the ability to perform an interactive authentication using a web flow and thus must perform this authentication on another device to sign-in. In...
KeyManagementException KeyPair KeyPairGenerator KeyPairGeneratorSpi KeyRep KeyRep.Type KeyStore KeyStore.Builder KeyStore.CallbackHandlerProtection KeyStore.IEntry KeyStore.IEntryAttribute KeyStore.ILoadStoreParameter KeyStore.IProtectionParameter KeyStore.PasswordProtection ...
countryCode直接countryCode displayName直接displayName givenNameExpressiongivenName objectGUID直接sourceAnchorBinary userPrincipalName直接userPrincipalName proxyAddress直接ProxyAddress 查看同步架构 警告 云同步配置会创建服务主体。 服务主体在 Microsoft Entra 管理中心可见。 你不应按照 Microsoft Entra 管理中心中的服务...
Kbdclass and Mouclass operate in the one-to-one mode if their registry entry valueConnectMultiplePortsis set to 0x00 (under the keyHKLM\Services\CurrentControlSet\<class service>\Parameters, whereclass serviceis Kbdclass or Mouclass). Otherwise Kbdclass and Mouclass operate in grandmaster mode. ...
const options = { sdk: "8.0", entry: { oneDrive: {} }, // Applications must pass this empty `authentication` option in order to obtain details item data // from the picker, or when embedding the picker in an iframe. authentication: {}, messaging: { origin: "http://localhost:3000"...
Locate and then click the following subkey:HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\CurrentControlSet\Services\Lanmanserver\Parameters Click the enablesecuritysignature entry. On the Edit menu, click Modify. In the Value data box, type 0, and then clic...
AutoTextEntry根据当前所选内容向AutoTextEntries集合添加新对象。 CreateTextbox() 在选定内容周围添加一个默认大小的文本框。 Cut() 将指定对象从文档中移到剪贴板上。 Delete(Object, Object) 删除指定数量的字符或单词。 DetectLanguage() 分析指定文本,以确定书写文本的语言类型。 EndKey(Object, Object) ...