You may write to Microsoft at: Plan Cancellations, Microsoft Ireland Operations Limited, One Microsoft Place, South County Business Park, Leopardstown, Dublin 18, D18 P521, Ireland, phone Microsoft on the phone the number found at
Microsoft Ireland Operations Limited, The Atrium Building, Block B, Carmanhall Road, Sandyford Business Estate, Dublin 18, Ierland. Website zoals aangegeven op Uw Kooporder. "Kooporder": een genummerd document dat de aankoopdatum van deze Polis, het spe...
(of als de hoofdvestiging van uw bedrijf zich bevindt in) de Europese Unie, IJsland, Liechtenstein, Noorwegen, Zwitserland of het Verenigd Koninkrijk, en u maakt gebruik van kosteloze of betaalde Diensten, dan hebt u contractueel te maken met Microsoft Ireland Operations Limited, One ...
provide service under this Contract as the Service Contract Provider/obligor, as well as handle the administration under this Contract as the Service Contract Administrator, who is Microsoft Ireland Operations Limited, One Microsoft Place, South County Business Park, Leopardstown, Dublin...
Microsoft Cloud Agreement This Microsoft Cloud Agreement is entered into between the entity you represent, or, if you do not designate an entity in connection with a Subscription purchase or renewal, you individually ("Customer"), and Microsoft Ireland Operations Limited ("Microsoft"). It consists...
Wij", "ons" of "onze": de Fabrikant of een beheerder of claimsafhandelaar die namens de Fabrikant verplicht is om op grond van deze Overeenkomst een dienst te verlenen. "Fabrikant" of "Microsoft": de original equipment manufacturer Microsoft Ireland Opera...
"Manufacturer", "Microsoft": the original equipment manufacturer, Microsoft Ireland Operations Limited, The Atrium Building, Block B, Carmanhall Road, Sandyford Business Estate, Dublin 18, Ireland. Website "Retailer": the seller that has been authorised...
• "Administrator": Microsoft Ireland Operations Limited located at One Microsoft Place, South County Business Park, Leopardstown, Dublin 18, D18 P521, Ireland. Website • "Breakdown": the mechanical and/or electrical failure of the Covered Product that results in it no ...