Windows Installer CleanUp 公用程式顯示電腦上所有以 Windows Installer 為基礎的應用程式清單(按一下以放大影像) 有些人可能很熟悉 Microsoft 命令列程式 msizap,它可移除程式的 Windows Installer 資料。其實這裡仍然用到這個命令:Windows Installer CleanUp 只是 msizap 的易用前端,讓您無須再與繁雜的命令列選項奮戰。
要运行 Windows Installer 清理实用工具,请转到“开始”菜单|“程序”并找到对应的文件夹,然后单击 Windows Installer Clean Up 快捷方式。您会看到计算机中基于 Windows Installer 的所有应用程序的列表(如屏幕快照所示)。选择存在问题的应用程序并单击 Remove(删除)按钮。这样该应用程序就会从 Windows Installer 数据库中...
cleanup_tool.exe /q:a /c:"cleanup.exe /p <name of product to remove>"The following example demonstrates how to run the Installation Cleanup Utility in unattended mode:cleanup_tool.exe /q:a /c:"cleanup.exe /p <name of product to remove> /u"...
Lance Whitney shows you how you can solve the problem using the Windows Installer CleanUp utility, which can help you remove an application’s Windows Installer information and then reinstall the app. And it’s free!More free utilities available here....
Free Utility: Windows Installer CleanUp Utility Troubleshoot Messaging Integration in SharePoint A Sneak Peek at Remote Management in Windows PowerShell 2.0 Use VBExpress to Open a File Open Dialog Box in Windows Vista Image Capture, Migration with Windows Deployment Services (WDS) ...
Free Utility: Windows Installer CleanUp Utility Troubleshoot Messaging Integration in SharePoint A Sneak Peek at Remote Management in Windows PowerShell 2.0 Use VBExpress to Open a File Open Dialog Box in Windows Vista Image Capture, Migration with Windows Deployment Services (WDS) How Pseudo Multi...
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First, for Windows Install Cleanup Tool, While the Windows Installer Cleanup utility resolved some installation problems, it sometimes damaged other components installed on the computer. Because of this, the tool has been removed from the Microsoft Downloa...
Additional installer options Show 3 more The Installer tool is a command-line utility that allows you to install and uninstall server resources by executing the installer components in specified assemblies. This tool works in conjunction with classes in theSystem.Configuration.Installnamespace. ...
A: There is native support in the Installer for installation of COM+ DLLs. Is your question more related to how to author this functionality? In essence, is it related to the fact that you use the COM+ export utility to collect this information....