了解跨本地、混合和多云环境更有效地管理数据的三步方法。 获取电子书 [1]2022 年内部威胁成本全球报告,Ponemon Institute。 [2]2022 年数据泄露成本报告,IBM Security。 [3]由 Microsoft 与 MDC Research 委托进行的 2022 年 2 月份调查,对象为 200 名美国合规性决策者(其中 100 名决策者的员工人数不超过 ...
使用Microsoft Purview 信息保护跨本地、SharePoint、OneDrive、Exchange、Microsoft Teams、终结点和非 Microsoft 云保护数据和个人信息。
Protect data and personal information across on-premises, SharePoint, OneDrive, Exchange, Microsoft Teams, endpoints, and non-Microsoft clouds with Microsoft Purview Information Protection.
Microsoft 信息保护 SDK 文档 - 教程和 API 参考概述 概述 关于Microsoft 信息保护 SDK 开始使用 概述 设置和配置 MIP SDK 实现AD RMS 保护 C++ 快速入门快速入门 客户端应用程序初始化 列出敏感度标签 设置和获取敏感度标签 减少文件上的敏感度标签 重新发布文件 处理电子邮件 .msg 文件 初始化应用程序...
Microsoft.InformationProtection.Protection Microsoft.InformationProtection.Protection ConsumptionSettings DelegationLicenseSettings DirectoryObject DirectoryObjectRights DirectoryObjectType GetTemplatesSettings IDelegationLicense IProtectionEngine IProtectionHandler IProtectionProfile ...
テクニカル サポートについては、Stack Overflow Microsoft Information Protection フォーラムにアクセスするか、Microsoft サポートでサポート ケースを開いてください。 テーブルを展開する VersionLink状態サポートの終了 1.15 https://aka.ms/mipsdkbins サポートあり TBD 1.14 https://aka.ms...
Protect data and personal information across on-premises, SharePoint, OneDrive, Exchange, Microsoft Teams, endpoints, and non-Microsoft clouds with Microsoft Purview Information Protection.
Information Protection Power BI 八月8, 2023由Daniel Marcovich Sensitivity labels are used to label and protect sensitive data within organizations. As such, they are an important part of Microsoft Purview Information Protection, Microsoft’s unified data governance service that helps organizations discover...
Information Protection Metrics Power BI Power BI Embedded 14 Haziran, 2022 hazırlayan: Oksana Kyrychenko Welcome to the June 2022 update. We are excited to announce the general availability of the new Format Pane, error bars and information protection updates, table navigation improvements, Con...
Windows Information Protection is a feature that organizations use to protect your work or school data by encrypting it and separating it from your personal data. Often, data is automatically classified as work because of your organization’s policies. If you try to...