你的旅程将继续: 2024 年 Imagine Cup 的后续步骤 了解AI 创新和创业道路上激动人心的后续步骤。 Imagine Cup 图形 欢迎参加 2024 Imagine Cup! 了解有关该竞赛的详细信息! 2023 年全球冠军的图像 认识2023 年全球冠军: TAWI 团队 恭喜来自肯尼亚的 TAWI 团队!
Microsoft Imagine Cup-profil létrehozása Miért érdemes regisztrálni a Microsoft Imagine Cupra? Minden évben több ezer, a világ különböző pontjairól érkezett diák verseng a pénznyereményért, az utazásért, a további díjakért és az Imagine Cup megnyeréséért járó ...
Parker, who is also a former Imagine Cup judge, regards the competition as a wise long-term bet for the not-too-distant future. “If you invest in smart people – and give them the skills and the knowledge they need to build and innovate for themselves – they will become the startup...
Colombo, Sri Lanka – December 6, 2023:Microsoft Imagine Cup, the global technology startup competition for visionary student entrepreneurs harnessing the power of Microsoft AI, has announced its launch in Sri Lanka for 2024. Microsoft’s Imagine Cup is in its 22nd ye...
2023年5月20日周六, 11:00 主要技术领域: Azure AI Services其他技术领域: Azure AI Services, Azure AI Services 目标受众: Developer,StudentI received an invitation from Doug Masuda from the Imagine Cup team to act as a judge for the work sent by the teams. I was very happy for the invitatio...
The top 10 winning teams in the Imagine Cup Junior 2023 global competition are listed below in alphabetical order: AI for Memory Loss, Ireland:AI for Memory Loss is an app that uses Azure Cognitive Services to help people with ...
Learn 发现 产品文档 开发语言 主题 登录 此主题的部分內容可能由机器或 AI 翻译。 消除警报 保存 添加到集合 添加到计划 事件 英语 我们将于 10 月 8 日和 9 日举行一场全新的启动活动,庆祝 Microsoft Imagine Cup 20 周年。 参加这场以学生为中心的活动,到时 Microsoft 行业领导者将分享你可以如何: ...
目标受众: I was invited and I'm mentoring a finalist team for imagine cup 2023. There will be 3 direct sessions and monitored by the imagine cup team. I'm helping them with doubts and improvements about the project, pitch presentation and other technical support....
2022 年 Imagine Cup 世界锦标赛替换为 Donovan Brown, Tiernan MadornoMicrosoft Build 2022 2022年5月28日 想象杯是激情满足创新的地方。 这是学生可以与世界各地的志同道合的同龄人一起建立的地方,以有所作为。 在比赛20周年之际,学生们利用先进的技术创造了鼓舞人心和包容性的项目。 从成千上万的团队来说,...
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