我们使用可选的 Cookie,通过社交媒体连接等方式改善你在我们网站上的体验,并且根据你的在线活动投放个性化的广告。 如果你拒绝可选 Cookie,则我们将仅使用为你提供服务所必须的 Cookie。 你可以单击页面底部的“管理 Cookie”更改你的选择。隐私声明 第三方 Cookie 接受 拒绝 管理Cookie ...
Microsoft Remote Desktop for Mac extremely slow when connected via WiFi6 (ax) Hi all, I am trying to use Microsoft Remote Desktop (Now Windows app) on Mac (M1,M4, Sonoma,Sequoja) Computers to connect to Windows 11 PCs via WiFi connection. As soon as I connect via WiFi6 (ax), the ...
Welcome to the Microsoft 365 Apps for enterprise discussion space! Discuss best practices, share tips & tricks, and...
Find an overview of Windows 11 specs and features from Microsoft. Learn about the device specifications, versions and languages available for Windows 11
微软商店(Microsoft Store),前身是Windows Store,是微软自Windows8系统推出以来,为Windows系统用户提供一个统一应用安装下载更新体验的平台,经过Window8、Windows10、Windows11三大系统版本的打磨,逐渐成为Windows系统使用者首选的应用获取及更新平台。 在Windows10阶段,商店主要是接纳并提供UWP(Universal Windows Platform)应用...
For games, this image may appear in various Store pages for Windows 10, Windows 11, and Xbox devices, and if you don't provide the2:3 Poster artimage it will be used as your main logo. This does not apply to apps. For information related to app icons, please refer to the section ...
('XPS.Viewer~~~')# Array of Legacy Features for main OS# This is optional to showcase where these are added$OC= @('MediaPlayback''WindowsMediaPlayer')# Mount the Features on Demand ISOWrite-Output"$(Get-TS): Mounting FOD ISO"$FOD_ISO_DRIVE_LETTER= (Mount-DiskImage-ImagePath...
for driver updates. Check the system log in Event Viewer for other error messages that might help identify the device or driver that's causing stop error 0x133. Verify that any new hardware that's installed is compatible with the installed version of Windows. For example, you can...
For more info, see the Remarks on the BitmapImage class page.Note Animated Graphics Interchange Format (GIF) support is available when your app is compiled for Windows 10, version 1607 and running on version 1607 (or later). When your app is compiled for or runs on previous versions, the...
Image Simple Viewer allows you to associate the app as the default photo viewer for simple image visualization. Features: - It automatically stretches the image to the size of the viewing window - Use your keyboard arrows to circle through images in th