PowerToys 是适用于Windows 10和Windows 11的独立应用程序。它包含许多您可以选择启用的功能,以进一步增强操作系统。唤醒可防止您的 PC 进入睡眠模式。Fancy Zones 创建窗口布局以实现更好的多任务处理。键盘管理器可以重新映射某些键。PowerRename 可帮助您一次性重命名多个文件。安装 PowerToys 最初,安装 PowerToys 的...
Image Resizer是一种用于批量调整图像大小的 Windows Shell 扩展。 安装 PowerToys 后,右键单击 File Explorer 中的一个或多个选定图像文件,然后从菜单中选择“使用 ImageResizer 调整大小”。 使用Image Resizer 可以通过用鼠标右键拖放所选文件来重设图像大小。 这样,大小调整后的图片就可以快速保存在文件夹中。 备注...
其他的,如 Image Resizer 和 PowerRename,旨在帮助 Windows 用户更轻松、更快速地执行常见操作。自 PowerToys 于 2019 年重启以来,微软定期为该套件提供新工具和新功能,这一模式随着最新版本的推出而得到扩展。特别是鼠标十字准线工具的添加将证明在 PowerToys 用户中很受欢迎,他们中的许多人可能会运行双显示器设置...
Microsoft PowerToys is a set of utilities for customizing Windows. Utilities include ColorPicker, FancyZones, File Explorer Add-ons, Image Resizer, Keyboard Manager, PowerRename, PowerToys Run, a Shortcut Guide and more to come.
ImageResizer allows you to resize your pictures that are easier to send by email. Resize images to 320, 640, 1024 or 2048 pixels max size.
Are you looking for a way to resize an image with any width and height what you want and keep their quality? With Image Resizer you can do this very easily. With Fit Box option, you can choose a width and height to your image and it will be increased
Windows 11 or Windows 10 version 2004 (code name 20H1 / build number 19041) or newer. x64 or ARM64 processor Our installer will install the following items: Microsoft Edge WebView2 Runtimebootstrapper. This will install the latest version. ...
*Image Resizer offers to resize 15 images for free. Once you expire your free limit, then you will require to subscribe full version of Image Resizer to continue resizing all your images.* Image Resizer: Resize your multiple images at once Taking pic
Image Resizer is a Windows shell extension for bulk image-resizing. After installing PowerToys, right-click on one or more selected image files in File Explorer, and selectResize with ImageResizerfrom the menu. Image Resizer allows you to resize images by dragging and dropping your selected files...
Image Resizer is a Windows shell extension for bulk image-resizing. After installing PowerToys, right-click on one or more selected image files in File Explorer, and select Resize with ImageResizer from the menu.Image Resizer allows you to resize images by dragging and dropping your selected ...