Default is \Programs -RegistryImport:<file> Path the a .reg file to be imported into the generated image. This file can multiple hives under HKLM. Supported hives: COMPONENTS DEFAULT DRIVERS SAM SECURITY SOFTWARE SYSTEM -StartupCommand:<file> Path the an executablefile to be used as the...
Code Generation Tool (SqlMetal.exe) Software Publisher Certificate Test Tool (Cert2spc.exe) Certificate Manager Tool (Certmgr.exe) Certificate Verification Tool (Chktrust.exe) Runtime Debugger (Cordbg.exe) CorFlags Conversion Tool (CorFlags.exe) Assembly Binding Log Viewer (Fuslogvw.exe) Global As...
指定基础映像(-ImagePath 和 -ImageFile) 显示另外 17 个 GenImage 提供了一个灵活且高度可自定义的命令行界面,用于准确生成适用于您的方案的验证 OS 映像。 验证 OS 映像生成器使用 GenImage,但它为基于 UI 的工作流提供了方便但有些有限的抽象层。 GenImage 的能力远不止验证 OS 映像生成器 UI 上公开的...
If you update a managed assembly, all native images that directly or indirectly depend on that assembly become invalid and need to be regenerated. This includes both ordinary references and hard-bound dependencies. Whenever a software update is applied, the installation program should execute anNgen...
The rise of text-to-image (T2I) generation has ushered in a new era of innovation, offering a broad spectrum of possibilities for creators, designers, and the everyday users of productivity software. This technology can transform descriptive text into remarkably realistic visual content, ...
Dism /Unmount-Image /MountDir:"C:\mount\windows" /Commit 如果必须禁用该服务,建议在进入审核模式之前脱机执行此操作。 还可以在审核模式下联机禁用它,但必须在禁用该服务后将映像通用化。若要联机禁用应用就绪状态服务,请执行以下操作:在审核模式下启动 regedit。 导航到 HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVe...
ImageUpdate interface 参考 反馈 包: @azure/arm-compute 源用户映像虚拟硬盘。 只能更新标记。扩展 UpdateResource 属性展开表 hyperVGeneration 指定从映像创建的 VirtualMachine 的 HyperVGenerationType。 从 API 版本 2019-03-01 开始,如果映像源是 Blob,则我们需要用户指定值,如果源是托管资源(如磁盘或快照)...
withExistingImage public abstract GalleryImageVersion.DefinitionStages.WithLocation withExistingImage(String resourceGroupName, String galleryName, String galleryImageName) Specifies the image container to hold this image version. Parameters: resourceGroupName - the name of the resource gro...
public static ImageStorageProfile fromJson(JsonReader jsonReader) Reads an instance of ImageStorageProfile from the JsonReader. Parameters: jsonReader - The JsonReader being read. Returns: An instance of ImageStorageProfile if the JsonReader was pointing to an instance of it, or null if it was...
Whenever a software update is applied, the installation program should execute an Ngen Update command to ensure that all dependent native images are regenerated. Security factors. Changing machine security policy to restrict permissions previously granted to an assembly can cause a previously compiled ...