在[虛擬 Web 資料夾] 頁面上,確定 [虛擬資料夾名稱] 為 CertificateManagement,然後按 [下一步]。 在[安裝Microsoft Identity Manager 憑證管理] 頁面上, 按兩下 [安裝]。 在[ 完成 Microsoft Identity Manager 憑證管理安裝精靈] 頁面上, 按兩下 [完成]。Microsoft...
若要提供讓使用者登出的方式,請定義/logout端點,如下列範例所示: C# app.MapPost("/logout",async(SignInManager<IdentityUser> signInManager, [FromBody]objectempty) => {if(empty !=null) {awaitsignInManager.SignOutAsync();returnResults.Ok(); }returnResults.Unauthorized(); }) .WithOpenApi() ....
This topic describes the best practices for deploying and operating Microsoft Identity Manager 2016 (MIM) SQL setup Note The following recommendations for setting up a server running SQL presume a SQL instance dedicated to the FIMService and a SQL instance dedicated to the FIMSynchronizationService da...
Microsoft Identity Manager 所產生的事件會儲存在 Windows 事件記錄檔中。 您可以選取 [應用程式和服務>記錄身分識別管理員要求記錄],來檢視 事件檢視器 中與MIM 服務要求對應的事件。 每個 MIM 服務要求都會匯出為 JSON 結構中 Windows 事件記錄檔中的事件。
SspiValidateAuthIdentity 指示指定的身份结构是否有效。 SspiZeroAuthIdentity 用零填充与指定身份结构关联的内存块。 WlxQueryTsLogonCredentials 如果启用了终端服务,则由替换 GINA DLL 进行调用,以便检索凭据信息。 然后,GINA DLL 可使用此信息自动填充登录框并尝试登录该用户。反馈...
Welcome to the Identity & Authentication discussion space! Discuss best practices, share tips & tricks, and...
and Identity","public-sector":"Public Sector","community-info-center":"Lounge","external-link-2":"View All","microsoft-teams":"Microsoft Teams","external":"Blogs","microsoft-endpoint-manager":"Microsoft Intune and Configuration Manager","startupsat-microsoft":"Startups ...
viii. Skype Manager. A "Skype Manager Admin Account" is created and managed by you, acting as an individual administrator of a Skype Manager group and not as a business entity. You may link your individual Microsoft account to a Skype Manager group ("Linked Account"). You may appoint addit...
A "Skype Manager Admin Account" is created and managed by you, acting as an individual administrator of a Skype Manager group and not as a business entity. You may link your individual Microsoft account to a Skype Manager group ("Linked Account"). You may appoint additional administrators to...
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