The Logon Process accepts logon requests from users. These include the initial interactive logon, which displays the initial logon dialog box to the user, and remote logon processes, which allow access by remote users to a Windows NT server process. These last three components run in user m...
Normally, a device running a Windows Runtime app will dim the display (and eventually turn it off) to save battery life when the user is away, but video apps need to keep the screen on so the user can see the video. The DisplayRequest class lets you tell Windows to keep the display...
Cast in Microsoft Edge lets you display your media to another screen using Google Cast. To access Cast, open Settings and more (...) > More tools > Cast media to device. Cast relies on the Media Router extension not automatically installed with Microsoft Edge. When you first use Cast, ...
The Managed Home Screen provides IT admins the ability to customize their devices and to restrict the capabilities that the end user can access. For even more details, see How to setup Microsoft Managed Home Screen on Dedicated devices in multi-app kiosk mode.When to configure the Microsoft ...
When you first turn on your new Surface, you’ll be asked to make some choices to get your device up and running as quickly as possible. To finish, please follow the instructions on screen. Plug in your device to keep your Surface charged while you finish setting up Windows. You can se...
The touch screen on your device, like most touch screens, is made of glass. The glass can break if your device is dropped or receives a significant impact. To reduce the risk of personal injury, avoid touching the screen if the glass is broken, chipped or cracked and arrange to have the...
DiscoverSurf, the hidden and endlessly addicting game secretly built into Microsoft Edge. Navigate the two-dimensional waves in an endlessly scrolling arcade game that you can control directly with your keyboard, on aMicrosoft Surfacetouchscreen, or with anXbox controller. Challenge yourself to set ...
You must use your Microsoft account to keep it active. This means you must sign in at least once in a two-year period to keep your Microsoft account, and associated Services, active, unless a longer period is provided in the Microsoft account activity policy at
The PackagePage class overrides the OnNavigatedTo method to set its DataContext to the CompanyPackage matching the provided Id. It then calls an UpdateUI method that toggles the Visibility and Content of two buttons that are added to the screen based on the Status of the CompanyPackage. The resu...
It's that simple! This way you can quickly record screen on Windows 11 with audio. SmithchowWhen using the Xbox Game Bar on Windows 11, there are several things you should keep in mind to ensure you get the most out of the tool: ...