若要在 Outlook.com 中取得支援,請按一下這裡或選取功能表列上的 [說明],然後輸入您的查詢。 如果自助無法解決問題,請向下捲動至 [仍然需要協助嗎?] 然後選取 [是]。 若要在 Outlook.com 中與我們連絡,您必須登入。 如果您無法登入,請按一下 [這裡]。 如需Microsoft 帳戶或訂閱的其他協助,請瀏覽 帳...
Tip: If you've clicked a link to one of our articles, you may need to select the back arrow in the Help pane to see the Still need help? option. Still need help? If you're not getting any replies from support Get help with Outlook mobile For other help with your Microsoft ac...
雖然 Outlook 已經過多次品質保證檢查,Outlook 測試版是在公開發行前對更多物件的最終檢查。 是否有任何使用搶先試用版本的其他限制? 是。 您將無法再使用這些應用程式的 App Store 版本共用 Word、Excel、PowerPoint 文件。 若要在 Outlook 和 Office 之間共用文件,您也必須下載這些應用程式的搶先試用版本。 您可以在...
傳統版 Outlook全新的 Outlook 傳送訊息或會議邀請至聯繫人群組 開啟傳統 Outlook,並建立新的電子郵件訊息或會議邀請。 如果您知道聯繫人群組的名稱,可以直接在 [收件者] 字段中輸入。 傳統版 Outlook 會顯示通訊簿中的潛在相符專案。 您也可以按下 [收件者] 按鈕來顯示 [選取名...
Starting Aug 5, 2024, you will not be able to configure connectors for groups in Outlook on the Web and New Outlook for Windows. The feature will be retired completely starting Aug 5, 2024. Post Aug 5, 2024, neither will existing configurations be editable nor will these receive any new...
Support for adding multiple Outlook e-mail accounts. For more information about how to import .msp customization files, see Import an Office 2010 Setup customization file. Architecture-specific versions of the Office Customization Tool As mentioned earlier in this article, administrators run the followi...
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Admin Help Center More help and training Troubleshooting Outlook won't open Office installation issues Fixes for installation or activation issues Known issues with Office and Windows 10 More fixes Get more done fast with Microsoft 365 Quickly create and share content that stands out, manage your sc...
For information on the support of action cards in different mail clients, go to Outlook version requirements for actionable messages. Receive meeting updates Update Event (V4) If you use this operation and you're the organizer of the event, all the attendees will receive meeting updates. Also,...
PLEASE HELP. My phone fell into the ocean at the weekend. I now cannot access my outlook due to 2Step Authenticator. It tried to send a code to my old mobile number from a year ago, which I no longer use. I have all my hotel, flights, bookings,… ...