Microsoft Modern Wireless Headset is Certified for Microsoft Teams when you use it with the included Microsoft USB Link on your Windows 10/11 PC or Mac. For info about how to use your headset for calls and meetings in Microsoft Teams, seeUse Microsoft Modern Wireless Headset in Mic...
Microsoft Modern Wireless Headset is a Certified for Microsoft Teams headset when you use it with the included Microsoft USB Link on your Windows 10/11 PC or Mac. The buttons and dial on your headset give you control of your Microsoft Teams meetings and calls right at your...
Microsoft HoloLens is the first fully self-contained holographic computer to run Windows 10. Now, with the introduction of HoloLens 2, every HoloLens device provides commercial ready management capabilities that are enhanced by the reliability, security, and scalability of cloud and AI services from...
Headset overviewHeadsets are audio capture and playback devices most often used to communicate with other players in online games but can also be used in gameplay or for other creative uses. Headsets are supported in Windows 10 or Windows 11 and Xbox UWP apps through the Windows.Gaming.Input ...
My computer is not detecting the microphone on my headphones. I recently purchased a new headset with the intention of improving the clarity of my voice...
Experience the very best of live and on-demand sports and entertainment with NextVR + Windows Mixed Reality. Get a compatible headset from Microsoft Store, download the NextVR app, and immerse yourself in a wide array of sports and music virtual reality experiences. ...
Xbox Wireless Headset 是微软为次时代游戏主机打造的首款头戴式无线蓝牙游戏耳机。支持包含Windows Sonic、杜比全景声以及DTS Headphone:X等在内的行业领先立体声技术。耳机整体采用黑色配色,配有皮垫耳罩和可调节的软垫头带。耳罩周边与Xbox的绿色元素相呼应,通过耳机旋转来调节音量的设计,与自家的Surface耳机如出一辙...
Windows Mixed Reality support is limited to Windows 10, version 20H2 through Windows 11, version 23H2. 展开表 Settings pageURI Audio and speechms-settings:holographic-audio Environmentms-settings:privacy-holographic-environment Headset displayms-settings:holographic-headset ...
HeadsetButtonPress SpeechModelDownloadTask ResPriStaticDbSync WsSwapAssessmentTask SR SynchronizeTimeZone Usb-Notifications QueueReporting UpdateLibrary Scheduled Start sih XblGameSaveTask Apply Windows and other updates Whether from Microsoft Update, or from your internal resources, apply available updates...
Windows Mixed Reality support is limited to Windows 10, version 20H2 through Windows 11, version 23H2. 展开表 Settings pageURI Audio and speechms-settings:holographic-audio Environmentms-settings:privacy-holographic-environment Headset displayms-settings:holographic-headset ...