Get the grantedToIdentities property: For link type permissions, the details of the users to whom permission was granted. BooleanhasPassword() Get the hasPassword property: This indicates whether password is set for this permission, it's only showing in response. ...
For an app to access data in Microsoft Graph, the user or administrator must grant it the permissions it needs. This article lists the delegated and application permissions exposed by Microsoft Graph. For guidance about how to use the permissions, see the Overview of Microsoft Graph permissions....
view=graph-rest-1.0 对于Azure Service Management API和Microsoft Graph API的App Id都是可以从List servicePrincipals中查找到的,建议从接口中查找,以免发生变更时影响使用。比如:$search="displayName:MicrosoftGraph"&$count=true https://microsof...
Permissions HTTP request Optional query parameters Request headers 顯示其他 4 個 Namespace: microsoft.graph List allresource-specific permission grantson thechat. This list specifies the Microsoft Entra apps that have access to thechat, along with the corresponding resource-specific access that each app...
在应用程序请求权限且用户或管理员同意后,应用程序可以从 Microsoft 标识平台获取访问令牌。 你可以将访问令牌视为向工作人员提供的电影票,证明你已支付观看影片的费用。 应用程序向 Microsoft Graph 提供访问令牌,证明其有权访问 Microsoft 365 数据。 Microsoft Graph 要求每个请求的 HTTP 标头中都有一个有效的访问令...
Get security action Get security action{id} List security actions List security actions Create security actions Create security actions
Microsoft Graph supports the use of delegated and application permissions to manage user operations. For more information, see Delegated vs Application permissions and the corresponding API reference documentation for the permissions required for each operation.Some user operations can be performed by the ...
在某些邮箱活动的审核记录中, (尤其是 Add-MailboxPermissions) ,你可能会注意到执行活动的用户 (,并在“用户”和“UserId”字段中标识) 为 NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM 或 NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM (Microsoft.Exchange.Servicehost) 。 这表明进行该活动的“用户”是 Microsoft 云中 Exchange 服务的一个系统账户。 此系统帐...
Examine the APIs used by your app, the permissions they require, and compare to the list of known differences.For production, ensure that the APIs your app requires are generally available in Microsoft Graph v1.0 and verify if they function the same as in Azure AD Graph or have differences....
在某些邮箱活动的审核记录中 (尤其是 Add-MailboxPermissions),你可能会注意到执行活动的用户 (在 User 和 UserId 字段中标识) 为 NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM 或 NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM(Microsoft.Exchange.Servicehost)。 这表明进行该活动的“用户”是 Microsoft 云中 Exchange 服务的一个系统账户。 此系统帐户通常代表你...