Delta 查询(也称为 更改跟踪)使应用程序能够发现新创建、更新或删除的实体,而无需对每个请求执行目标资源的完全读取。 Microsoft Graph 应用程序可以使用 delta 查询和本地数据存储高效地同步更改。使用增量查询有助于避免不断轮询Microsoft Graph,因为应用仅请求自上次请求以来更改的数据。 此模式允许应用程序减少请求的...
Delta 查询(也称为 更改跟踪)使应用程序能够发现新创建、更新或删除的实体,而无需对每个请求执行目标资源的完全读取。 Microsoft Graph 应用程序可以使用 delta 查询和本地数据存储高效地同步更改。使用增量查询有助于避免不断轮询Microsoft Graph,因为应用仅请求自上次请求以来更改的数据。 此模式允许应用程序减少请求的...
GET 响应 以下示例显示了包含第一页更改的响应,以及指示当前网站集中没有更多网站可用的 @odata.nextLink 属性。 你的应用应继续请求 @odata.nextLink 的URL 值,直到检索到网站的所有页面。 HTTP 复制 HTTP/1.1 200 OK Content-type: application/json { "value...
Is there any option to track the events in MS Graph API at tenant level using Delta Query? I have a requirement of capture all the Teams Events with BraodcastMeeting equal to true (means live event in Teams). Can anybody please help me on this?
Therefore, a change to any of these properties doesn't result in an object showing up in the delta query response.The following properties on the user object are stored outside the main data store: signInActivity, cloudLicensing, mailboxSettings, deviceEnrollmentLimit, print, aboutMe, birthday...
Therefore, a change to any of these properties doesn't result in an object showing up in the delta query response.The following properties on the group object are stored outside the main data store: accessType, allowExternalSenders, autoSubscribeNewMembers, cloudLicensing, hideFromAddressLists, ...
How can you initialise a delta query with a previous delta link? Given this to grab messages await graphServiceClient.Users[userEmail].MailFolders[mailBox].Messages.Delta().Request().GetAsync(); Next time around I want to use the deltaLink to start from just the new messages?
We've seen a few posts recently on Stack Overflow from developers asking whether they should be using Microsoft Graph ( vs Azure AD Graph ( So we thought we'd provide some guidance, as well as a bit of a roadmap to clarify things, for new and ...<tenantId>/<resourceSet>?api-version=<SupportedApiVersion>&deltaLink=<token>&[$filter=isof(<entityType>)]&[$select=<PropertyList>] 该URL 由分层段组成,后跟以键/值对形式表示的一连串查询字符串参数。 URL: 分层段 ...