"value": [ { "@odata.id": "https://graph.microsoft.com/v1.0/users('ddfcd489-628b-40d7-b48b-57002df800e5@1717622f-1d94-4d0c-9d74-709fad664b77')/calendars('AAMkAGI2TGuLAAA=')", "id": "AAMkAGI2TGuLAAA=", "name": "Calendar", ...
可以使用前面在中间件部分中提到的GraphServiceClient对象来调用 Microsoft Graph。GraphServiceClient提供可用于调用 Microsoft Graph 而无需手动进行 HTTP 调用的 API。 若要显示即将到来的一周的日历事件,需要定义周开始日期和周结束日期。 C#复制 // Configure a calendar view for the current weekvarstartOfW...
The next Graph API returns wrong "location" field if the user forwards the calendar event to another room on the web app UI (Outlook calendar view). Even after the another room says "Yes" to the eve... peiyezhuto Mackie Apr 03, 2024 Mackie https://developer.mic...
"calendar": { "@odata.type": "microsoft.graph.calendar" }, "calendarGroups": [{ "@odata.type": "microsoft.graph.calendarGroup" }], "calendarView": [{ "@odata.type": "microsoft.graph.event" }], "calendars": [ {"@odata.type": "microsoft.graph.calendar"} ], "contacts": [ { "...
Use the Microsoft Search API to search Outlook calendar events - Microsoft Graph Use the Microsoft Search API in Microsoft Graph to search for events in the signed-in user’s primary calendar. The user identity is based on the auth token. Use Postman with the Microsoft Graph API ...
Namespace: microsoft.graphA group of user calendars.MethodsExpand table MethodReturn TypeDescription List calendar groups Calendar collection Get the user's calendar groups. Create calendar group Calendar Create a new calendar group. Get calendar group calendarGroup Read properties and relationships of ...
What can I do with the Microsoft Graph API? Microsoft Graph enables countless scenarios, including the following. Automate responses from a shared mailbox Your app can use the mail API and change notifications to process and respond to email messages and let senders know when their message is ...
我目前正试图在Node.js中实现一个直接登录到日历/用户的使用Microsoft。转到azure门户并创建一个新的AAD名称"Calendar Api“web并返回http://localhost:3000 "Calendars.ReadWrite"使 浏览1提问于2019-01-24得票数 2 回答已采纳 1回答 删除日历时发生Office 365 unified API错误 ...
This article describes events published by Microsoft Graph API. Use the Microsoft Search API to search Outlook calendar events - Microsoft Graph Use the Microsoft Search API in Microsoft Graph to search for events in the signed-in user’s primary calendar. The user identity is based on...
TheiCalUIdreturned by the Calendarevent resourcetype in Microsoft Graph is defined as a unique, read-only identifier that is shared by all instances of an event across different calendars. It adheres to the RFCiCalendar specificationofUID. It is an ID that is unique to a meeting or meeting ...