Explore the Microsoft Graph REST API Get started with the Microsoft Graph API Build a sample app in minutes Choose a language, get a client ID, and download a working sample that calls Microsoft Graph. Try the Quick Start Or, follow along step-by-step to build your sample. ...
Microsoft Graph 是 Microsoft 365 中通往数据和智能的网关。 使用 Microsoft Graph 生成智能应用、获取见解和分析,并扩展 Microsoft 365 体验。 概述 什么是 Microsoft Graph? 参考 Microsoft Graph REST API 概念 用于智能 Microsoft 365 Copilot 副驾驶®的生成连接器 ...
Microsoft Graph Vejledninger API-reference Ressourcer Download SDK'erÅbn Graph Explorer Microsoft Graph is the gateway to data and intelligence in Microsoft 365. Use Microsoft Graph to build intelligent apps, derive insights and analytics, and extend Microsoft 365 experiences. ...
To subscribe to change notifications for the/communications/callRecordsendpoint in the Microsoft Graph API, you need to provide a valid URL in thenotificationUrlparameter. This URL should be publicly accessible and capable of receiving HTTP POST requests from the Microsoft Graph service. Here's an ...
Explore the Microsoft Graph REST API Get started with the Microsoft Graph API Build a sample app in minutes Choose a language, get a client ID, and download a working sample that calls Microsoft Graph. Try the Quick Start Or, follow along step-by-step to build your sample. ...
{HTTP method} https://graph.microsoft.com/{version}/{resource}?{query-parameters} The components of a request include:{HTTP method} - The HTTP method used on the request to Microsoft Graph. {version} - The version of the Microsoft Graph API your application is using. {resource} - The re...
Microsoft Graph API是微软提供的一套RESTful API,用于访问和管理Microsoft 365中的数据和功能。它提供了丰富的接口,可以用于访问和操作用户、邮件、日历、文件、群组、联系人等各种资源。 使用Microsoft Graph API下载共享文件的步骤如下: 首先,需要获取访问令牌(Access Token)。可以使用OAuth 2.0授权流程来获取访问...
调用Microsoft Graph API,分为四个主要步骤: 一.注册应用 (App Registrations) 二.登陆并获得Token 三.授权 四.Call API 一.注册应用 (App Registrations) 我们可以手动注册应用,然后获得: - Application (Client) ID - Directory (Tenant) ID - Client secrets ...
Microsoft Graph 概述 可访问的用户 区域云部署 版本控制和支持 使用条款 浏览 服务和功能 集成模式 按流量计费的 API 新增功能 API 更改日志 入门 试用API 快速启动 教程 使用SDK 概述 安装SDK 使用Kiota 生成客户端 创建客户端 自定义客户端 选择验证提供程序 ...
Supported languages SDKs in preview or GA status SDK vs generated API client Related content The Microsoft Graph software development kits (SDKs) are designed to simplify building high-quality, efficient, resilient applications that access Microsoft Graph. The SDKs include two components: a serv...