使用Microsoft Graph API 自动配置预配的步骤概述 步骤详细信息 步骤1。 创建库应用程序登录 API 客户端 检索库应用程序模板 创建库应用程序 步骤2。 基于模板创建预配作业检索预配连接器的模板 创建预配作业 步骤3. 授权访问测试与应用程序的连接 保存凭据
使用本地连接器需要安装Microsoft Graph 连接器代理软件。 它允许在本地数据和连接器 API 之间安全传输数据。 本文将指导你安装和配置代理。 安装 下载最新版本的 Microsoft Graph 连接器代理,并使用安装配置助手安装软件。此处提供了连接器代理软件的发行说明 ...
0000000Z", "clientState": "{secretClientState}" } 示例2:使用 notifyOnUserSpecificProperties 查询参数订阅特定聊天中的更改 (预览) 以下示例演示如何通过提供 notifyOnUserSpecificProperties 查询参数来订阅以接收特定聊天中更改的通知。HTTP 复制 POST https://graph.microsoft.com/beta/subscriptions Content-...
对于不包含资源数据的通知,有效负载如下所示。 此有效负载适用于联机会议可用的脚本。 对于不包含资源数据的通知,有效负载如下所示。 此有效负载适用于可用于联机会议的录制。 资源和@odata.id属性可用于调用 Microsoft Graph 以获取脚本或录制内容。
Namespace: microsoft.graphProvides additional settings for the scheduled expiration of the agreement.PropertiesExpand table PropertyTypeDescription frequency Duration Represents the frequency at which the terms will expire, after its first expiration as set in startDateTime. The value is represented in ...
ExpirationDateTime = DateTime.UtcNow.AddMinutes(Config.CurrentValue.PresenceSettings.SubscriptionTimeout), ClientState = Config.CurrentValue.SecretClientState, }; var newSubscription = await graphUserClient .Subscriptions .Request() .AddAsync(sub); ...
And it’s an issue as Microsoft Graph/Office 365 API are fully REST and are using OAuth2. And in this case, the mechanism used for authentication require the user to have a user interface to log into. User and passwords are not store...
Alternatively, an application can create its own store for certificate storage or even call additional revocation providers registered with CryptoAPI.PurposeThe certificate chain engine builds all possible certificate chains. The entire graph of certificate chains is constructed and then ordered by the “...
Alternatively, an application can create its own store for certificate storage or even call additional revocation providers registered with CryptoAPI.PurposeThe certificate chain engine builds all possible certificate chains. The entire graph of certificate chains is constructed and then ordered by the “...
和使用ADAL4J一样,都是需要使用Azure AD中的用户,以及一个Azure AD注册应用(此应用需要开启“Allow public client flows”功能),开启步骤见博文《【Azure Developer】使用 adal4j(Azure Active Directory authentication library for Java)如何来获取Token呢 (通过用户名和密码方式获取Access Token)》中。