应用程序 AccessReview.Read.All AccessReview.ReadWrite.Membership若要调用此 API,登录用户还必须具有允许其读取访问评审的目录角色,或者可将该用户分配为访问评审的审阅者。 有关详细信息,请参阅 访问评审的角色和权限要求。HTTP 请求HTTP 复制 GET /accessReviews/{reviewId} 请求...
POST https://graph.microsoft.com/v1.0/identityGovernance/accessReviews/definitions Content-type: application/json{ "displayName": "Reviewaccessofusersandgroupstoprivilegedroles", "descriptionForAdmins": "Reviewaccessofusersandgroupstoprivilegedroles", "scope": { "@odata.type": "#microsoft.graph.princ...
Use Microsoft Entra access reviews to configure one-time or recurring access reviews for attestation of a principal's access rights to Microsoft Entra resources.
Learn how to programmatically review the access that users, service principals, or groups have to your Microsoft Entra resources by using the Microsoft Graph API.
Windows PowerShell maybe the following can help you $notifRecipients= @(@{notificationTemplateType ="CompletedAdditionalRecipients"recipients = @(@{"@odata.type"="#microsoft.graph.accessReviewNotificationRecipientScope"notificationRecipients = @(@{"@odata.type"="#microsoft.graph.user"emailAddress ="...
Namespace: microsoft.graph The accessReviewReviewerScope defines who will review instances of an accessReviewScheduleDefinition or user consent requests. Reviewers can be specified as a static list of users (that is, specific users, group owners, and group members) or dynamically in which every use...
I've been trying to modify my create access review script to include an email address to the NotificationRecipientScope. Need to specify at end of review,...
Click on “Add”. Click on “Select an API”, click on “Microsoft Graph”, and then click “Select”. Azure AD access reviews uses the following delegated permissions: Read all access reviews that use can access, Manage all access reviews that user can access, Read all programs that user...
Find resources for Microsoft Graph development, including code samples, events, blog posts, and more.
The Microsoft Graph CLI uses the tool chain used in some of your favorite command line tools (Azure CLI and Microsoft Graph PowerShell) to provide access to the Microsoft Graph API. Inthis previewversion 0.1.4 of the Microsoft Graph CLI, we coverthe most common Microsoft Graph scenarios,such...