选择下面的一个区域,以查找你所在国家/地区的客户服务电话号码。 非洲 亚洲 澳大利亚/太平洋 Europe 北美/中美洲/加勒比地区 中东 南美洲 上次更新时间:2025 年 1 月 2 日 订阅RSS 源 需要更多帮助? 需要更多选项? 发现 社区 了解订阅权益、浏览培训课程、了解如何保护设备等。
For help, select theGet helpbutton below. Describe your problem, and we'll provide self-help or connect you to the most appropriate support, which may include chat or request a call — we’ll call you, so you don’t have to wait. ...
here you will find a list of all Global Support phone numbers: Global Customer Service phone numbers (If the reply was helpful please don't forget to upvote and/or accept as answer, thank you) Regards Andreas Baumgarten Please sign in to rate this answer. 0 comments No comments Report a...
GlobalID Microsoft AI 云合作伙伴计划 ID PartnerName 合作伙伴的名称 CustomerID 来自内部Microsoft系统Microsoft客户的唯一标识符。 在 Cloud Ascent 中,将标识重复帐户并将其聚合为一个 CustomerID。 MoodysID 来自穆迪(Moody's)的外部数据提供程序的帐户的唯一标识符。 AccountName Microsoft客户或潜在客户的名称。
getGlobalContext Allows access to the global context without going through the form context. Xrm.Page.context.getQueryStringParameters formContext.data.attributes The formContext.data.attributes API will make retrieval of non-entity bound data consistent across entity forms, metadata-driven dialogs, and ...
Asia is a major contributor to global carbon emissions and is highly vulnerable to the impacts of climate change. No single organization can tackle this climate challenge alone. Marcus Bartley Johns, Asia Regional Director, Government Affairs and Public Policy at Microsoft, shares how we can work ...
Customer must allocate enough eligible core licenses to cover all Virtual Cores on the VM(s) that are running. The minimum number of core licenses required per VM is 8. License Allocation for Dedicated Host Licensing (Datacenter only) Customer must allocate enough Windows Server Datacenter core li...
Current Selections Topic: Network security Sort by: Newest to oldest Clear selections Sort by Relevance Newest to oldest Oldest to newest Nothing found Sorry, but nothing matched your search terms. Please try again with some different keywords. ...
Microsoft Azure OpenAI Service is supporting the transportation industry through innovative business applications. Learn how four Microsoft customers have used Azure OpenAI Service to improve business operations and help drive better decision making. Customer stories Jul 3, 2024 5 min read Build your ow...
employee identification number, email address, bank account details, job title/position, and other similar contact data, financial information, employment details, and inferences with our subsidiaries and affiliates and other third parties, including service providers who provide services on behalf of Mic...