you are in luck.Microsoft has recently launched a version two of it free course calledGenerative AI for Beginnerswhich now has 18 lessons, designed by cloud advocates and experts in the field.
Don’t miss this opportunity to learn generative AI with Microsoft’s free course. Start your journey today and discover the endless possibilities of generative AI."},"Conversation:conversation:4067112":{"__typename":"Conversation","id":"conversation:4067112","so...
使用Generative AI (Bing Chat, GPT-4) 為您的啟動或業務建立完美的想法。 在此課程中,您將開發下列技能,以用於與 Generative AI 的日常互動。 學習目標 利用 Bing 聊天的各種特性或功能 利用 Bing 聊天的多模式功能 提示寫作秘訣和技術 使用 Bing 聊天練習您的關鍵/
As AI technology advances, it's providing organizations with multiple opportunities to provide more and better ways to enhance productivity and guide employees. One way this is done is with Generative AI. Microsoft Copilot Studio allows you to use Generative answers in multiple ways. Once you are...
这是由微软开源的面向初学者的生成式 AI 免费课程,课程共 18 节,涵盖了创建生成式 AI 应用所需要了解的一切,包括生成式 AI 和 LLMs 的简介、提示词、构建文本生成应用、聊天应用、图像生成应用、向量数据库等方面的内容。 收录于: 第96 期 标签: 教程 AI AIGC ...
The Microsoft Education AI Toolkit aims to equip educational leaders at various stages of their AI journey with knowledge, strategies, and tips to confidently advance their use of generative AI technologies. Get the toolkit Resource AI in Education report Access this special report from Microsof...
Explore learning pathways and courses on how to use artificial intelligence (AI) for teaching and learning with Microsoft. Dive deep with interactive lessons that help meet your goals. Computer science teachers Discover resources for computer science teachers from Microsoft and our partners. ...
Explore learning pathways and courses on how to use artificial intelligence (AI) for teaching and learning with Microsoft. Dive deep with interactive lessons that help meet your goals. Computer science teachers Discover resources for computer science teachers from Microsoft and our partners. ...
建立自訂 AI 模型的主要工具有兩種:Generative AI 和傳統機器學習:Azure Machine Learning studioAzure Machine Learning 工作室 是一項雲端服務,可用來加速和管理機器學習 (ML) 專案生命週期。 ML 專業人員、數據科學家和工程師可以在日常工作流程中使用它來定型及部署模型,以及管理機器學習作業 (MLOps)。
建立自訂 AI 模型的主要工具有兩種:Generative AI 和傳統機器學習:Azure Machine Learning studioAzure Machine Learning 工作室 是一項雲端服務,可用來加速和管理機器學習 (ML) 專案生命週期。 ML 專業人員、數據科學家和工程師可以在日常工作流程中使用它來定型及部署模型,以及管理機器學習作業 (MLOps)。