See how gaming on Windows 11 unlocks the full potential of your hardware. Discover the latest Windows gaming PCs & laptops, explore games, and immerse yourself in virtual reality (VR), surround sound, and more.
Applies ToWindows 11 Whatever your setup is, Windows will help your games look their best. Discover more ways to improve your gaming experience: Try it! Overview of gaming with Windows 11 Game Bar Game Bar in Windows 11 is your central place to quickly customize your gaming setup, from ...
Experience the latest Microsoft Windows 11 features. Learn how our latest Windows OS gives you more ways to work, play and create.
To quickly check how your PC is responding to your gaming, open the Windows game bar by selectingWindows logo key+G. You'll see CPU, GPU, RAM, and even frames per second, all in real time. Common PC and device terms Help me choose a gaming PC...
Découvrez Windows 11 : gaming Quelle que soit votre configuration, Windows aidera vos jeux à s’améliorer. Découvrez d’autres façons d’améliorer votre expérience de jeu : Essayez ! Vue d’ensemble des jeux avec Windows 11 Barre de jeu...
To quickly check how your PC is responding to your gaming, open the Windows game bar by selectingWindows logo key+G. You'll see CPU, GPU, RAM, and even frames per second, all in real time. Related links Common PC and device terms ...
Get ready for Windows 11. With a redesigned and refreshed look, every detail has been considered. Read FAQs and check HP computer compatibility here.
右击开始键(四个方块)——Windows powershell——输入代码Get-AppxPackage *gamingservices* | Remove-AppxPackage 发布于 2022-04-22 09:06 游戏 Windows 10 微软(Microsoft) 赞同3216 条评论 分享喜欢收藏申请转载
电脑引导程序是游戏运行时实用工具 (GamingServicesUI.exe),可帮助确保 MSIXVC 打包的电脑游戏在游戏进程开始之前处于正常状态。只要启动已安装的 MSIXVC 打包电脑游戏 (通过Xbox 应用、“开始”菜单、桌面快捷方式或命令行工具),游戏运行时服务 (GRTS) 就会首先调用电脑引导程序。 电脑引导程序确保满足预启动要...
and desktops run the same software—making it easier to develop compelling, interactive experiences that span all form-factors including the Xbox with Microsoft's game development platform, services, and tools. You can create the next cutting-edge game with the power of DirectX 11 and C++ or us...