but cannot seem to figure out this problem with my screen recording. Just says "We can't record right now. Try again later." Cleared my temporary files and other tips I've found but nothing has worked. Thanks for any help!
游戏栏内置于 Windows 11因此你可以在玩电脑游戏时捕获视频和屏幕截图。 玩游戏时,按键盘上的 Windows 徽标键 + G 打开游戏栏。 如果已将 Xbox 360 或 Xbox One 控制器与电脑连接,请按 Xbox 按钮。 如有必要,请选择“ 捕获”图标以打开“捕获”小组件。 然后,从 “捕获 ”小组件: 选择“从现在开始录制”...
使用屏幕阅读器通过 Xbox Game Bar 录制屏幕 本文适用于通过 Windows 工具或功能和 Microsoft 365 产品使用 Windows 讲述人、JAWS 或 NVDA 等屏幕阅读器程序的人士。 本文是 Office 内容集辅助功能帮助和学习的 一部分,可在其中找到有关应用的更多辅助功能信息。 有关常规帮助,请访问Microsoft...
Game Bar 內建於 Windows,因此,您可以一邊玩電腦遊戲,一邊擷取影片和螢幕擷取畫面。 當您玩遊戲時,按下鍵盤上的Windows 標誌鍵+G,以開啟 Game Bar。 選取[開始錄影](圓圈) 即可開始錄製短片,然後選取[停止錄影](方形) 即可結束錄影。 選取[抓取螢幕擷取畫面](相機圖示),即可為遊戲中正在發生的事情拍下照片。
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Microsoft Edge Bar(Windows 10 中边缘边栏的可拆离版本)的入口点已从边缘边栏的弹出菜单底部的齿轮图标更改为 edge://settings/sidebar 页面。 对于Windows 11和Windows 10用户,单击齿轮图标现在会自动打开 edge://settings/sidebar 页。 此外,再次启用 Edge Bar 在启动Windows 10设备时自动启动的功能,“关闭 X”图...
The Xbox Game Bar needs to add advanced recording options, including support for 4K recording and higher frame rates, to keep up with modern gaming technology. The lack of a broadcasting option on the Game Bar is a major oversight. Adding a simple broadcasting tool would benefit casual users ...
Game barms-settings:gaming-gamebar Game DVRms-settings:gaming-gamedvr Game Modems-settings:gaming-gamemode Playing a game full screenms-settings:quietmomentsgame TruePlayms-settings:gaming-trueplay (As of Windows 10, version 1809 (10.0; Build 17763), this feature is removed from Windows) ...
With Narrator, you hear: "Open Xbox Game Bar using this button on a controller, Xbox button, toggle switch, off." With NVDA, you hear: "Xbox button, toggle button, not pressed." To enable the Xbox Game Bar, press Spacebar. Include system aud...
Modifier Spécifie l’origine d’une commande Game Bar.C# Copie [Windows.Foundation.Metadata.ContractVersion(typeof(Windows.Media.Capture.GameBarContract), 65536)] public enum GameBarCommandOriginHéritage Enum GameBarCommandOrigin Attributs ContractVersionAttribute ...