“首次运行就清理了 10GB。” ”速度超快,简单易用!“ 系统清理大师可以快速扫描和删除磁盘空间的所有垃圾,不再把磁盘空间浪费在不需要的残留文件上,例如已卸载的应用、Internet 临时文件、旧的邮件附件以及其他您不知道的文件。Total PC Cleaner能为您完成一切清理工
Para ejecutar Windows Installer CleanUp, vaya al menú Inicio | Todos los programas y busque la carpeta correspondiente; a continuación, haga clic en el acceso directo de Windows Installer Clean Up. Aparecerá una lista con todas las aplicaciones basadas en Windows Installer que se encuentran ...
Running it on Windows Server 2003 will not offer the option to clean up the .NET Framework 1.1 and running it on Windows Vista or Windows Server 2008 will not offer the option to clean up the .NET Framework 2.0 or the .NET Framework 3.0.When choosing to remove any of the above ...
Learn how you can free up drive space in Windows. Keep your PC running smoothly and up to date by increasing the disk space. 磁盘清理Windows- Microsoft 支持 在任务栏上的搜索框中,键入“磁盘清理”,并从结果列表中选择“磁盘清理”。 选择要清理的驱动器,然后选择“确定”。在“要删除的文件”下,...
This page contains important cleanup steps. Cleaning up helps ensure that you don't run out of free build minutes. It also helps ensure that you're not charged for Azure resources after you complete this module. Clean up Azure resources ...
Visual Studio IDE 是一个创意启动板,可用于编辑、调试和生成代码,然后发布应用。除了大多数 IDE 都提供的标准编辑器和调试器之外,Visual Studio 还包括编译器、代码补全工具、图形设计器以及许多其他功能,以增强软件开发过程。 更快地编写代码 更智能地工作 ...
The Windows Clean-Up Utilities component provides disk cleaning services.ServicesThere are no services for this component.Associated ComponentsNo other components interact with this component.SettingsThere are no configurable settings for this component.Last...
Tip Did you know you can try the features in Microsoft Defender for Office 365 Plan 2 for free? Use the 90-day Defender for Office 365 trial at the Microsoft Defender portal trials hub. Learn about who can sign up and trial terms on Try Microsoft Defender for Office 365.Important...
Microsoft has released the Patch Registration Cleanup Tool. To download the tool, visit the following Microsoft Web site: http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkID=165592Note To see usage information for this tool, type PatchRegCleanup /? at the command prompt. ...
被垃圾文件困扰着吗?假设您在整理和删除占据您大部分存储空间的文件时遇到问题。您需要的是像Cleaner+(原: Nero TuneItUp)这样的电脑清理器,由 Nero 开发,以提高您的电脑效率 Cleaner+是一个强大的生产力工具,可以清洁、优化和加速您的计算机。它还可以提高你的网速