程序集: System.Windows.Forms.dll 选择此窗体,并且可以选择下一个或上一个控件。 C# 复制 protected override void Select (bool directed, bool forward); 参数 directed Boolean 如果设置为 true,则表示活动控件已更改。 forward Boolean 如果directed 为 true,则它控制焦点移动的方向。 如果此项为 true,...
表單查看器會呼叫 IMAPIFormMgr::SelectMultipleForms 方法,先顯示對話方塊,讓用戶選取多個窗體,然後擷取描述所選表單的表單資訊物件陣列。 [ SelectMultipleForms ] 對話框會顯示所有表單,不論是否隱藏 (,也就是其隱藏屬性是否) 清除。 實作者注意事項 如果窗體查看器在 ulFlags 參數中傳遞MAPI_UNICODE旗標,則所有字...
If you select a Redemption Option that is out of stock or unavailable for other reasons, we may substitute a Redemption Option of comparable value or refund your points at our sole discretion. ix. Microsoft may update or discontinue offering specific Redemption Options at any time for any ...
(windowNewMenu_Click)); windowMenu.DropDownItems.Add(windowNewMenu); ((ToolStripDropDownMenu)(windowMenu.DropDown)).ShowImageMargin = false; ((ToolStripDropDownMenu)(windowMenu.DropDown)).ShowCheckMargin = true; // Assign the ToolStripMenuItem that displays // the list of child forms....
C#-select data from Access C#, forms do not display C#: ALT+F4 C#: can we export icon/image into csv file? C#: Declaring structs with override methods? C#: Deleting an open file in Dispose method C#: Failed to subscribe to MQTT server C#: how to detect window application is running ...
可以通过 Sort 和Filter 属性公开 BindingSource 控件的排序和筛选功能。 当基础数据源是 IBindingList时,可以应用简单的排序,当数据源是 IBindingListView时,可以应用筛选和高级排序。 Sort 属性需要标准 ADO.NET 语法:一个字符串,表示数据源中数据列的名称,后跟 ASC 或DESC,以指示列表是应按升序还是降序排序。 可以...
Specify the behavior of forms that open from a list page when you select another record on the list page. Select one of the following options: Auto– Use the default behavior that is specified for each form. Dynamic– The form always displays information that is related to the selected recor...
For advanced options, choose the content type to use for the form, typically the one that corresponds with your list. Note:Every list or library can be configured to allow multiple content types, which then appear in this menu. You can use a distinct set of custom ...
The solution manages complex immigration workflows, smartly creates and reuses forms and documents, and integrates with 12 partner systems. It helps the immigration team optimize its processes and lets our employees spend more time on their important strategic work. Technical Case Study Creating a ...