Los dispositivos de visualización de reuniones o salas de conferencias no pueden mostrar el contenido compartido con Excel Live en una reunión. Todos los usuarios de la reunión pueden colaborar en Excel Live desde sus respectivos dispositivos. Grabación de sesiones de Excel Liv...
Web工作或学校 OneDriveExcel 网页版OneNote 网页版 启动新窗体 使用学校凭据、 Microsoft 365 工作凭据或Microsoft帐户 (Hotmail、Live 或 Outlook.com) 转到Microsoft Forms。 注意:还可以登录到Office.com,在左侧查找Microsoft 365 图标,然后选择“Forms”。
Microsoft Forms 允许用户快速而轻松地创建自定义测验、调查、问卷、注册等。 创建测验或表单后,甚至可以在移动设备上使用任何 Web 浏览器来邀请其他人作答。 提交结果后,可以使用内置的分析来评估这些回答内容。 可以轻松地将表单数据(例如,测验结果)导出为 Excel 进行进一步的分析或评分。
Since 1998, our live Excel classes have shown individuals how to quickly solve their problems in Excel. Our custom Excel software design automates your toughest problems.
Excel [非推奨] Excel Online (Business) Excel Online (OneDrive) Exchange Rate (Independent Publisher) Expensya Experlogix Smart Flows Expiration Reminder EXPOCAD Face API FactSet Fantasy Premier League (Independent Publisher) Farsight DNSDB FCA (Independent Publisher) Feathery Feathery Forms Federal Reser...
Microsoft 365 家庭版、Microsoft 365 个人版和任何其他 Microsoft 365 应用或订阅服务中 Word、Excel、PowerPoint、Outlook、OneDrive、Access 和 Publisher 等应用的使用受到https://aka.ms/useterms中的补充许可条款以及本协议条款的约束。 ii.附加 Outlook 条款。Outlook 支持用户使用必应地图。任何通过必应地图提供的...
However, if your Microsoft Form is still live, and you want to analyze the data as entries build up in the same way as you would when using Google Forms alongside Google Sheets, Microsoft lets you do this through Excel for the web. Step 1: Create and Share Your Microsoft Form Start ...
Web 版和移动版 Word、Excel、PowerPoint 和 Outlook* 每位员工 1 TB 的云存储空间 10 多种额外应用可满足业务需求(Microsoft Bookings、Planner、Forms 等) 自动垃圾邮件和恶意软件筛选 随时提供电话和 Web 支持 智能Microsoft 365 Copilot 副驾驶® 以加载项的形式提供。5 ...
Excel [DEPRECATED] Excel Online (Business) Excel Online (OneDrive) Exchange Rate (Independent Publisher) Expensya Experlogix Smart Flows Expiration Reminder EXPOCAD Face API FactSet Fantasy Premier League (Independent Publisher) Farsight DNSDB FCA (Independent Publisher) Feathery Feathery Forms Federal Res...
Excel Online (OneDrive) Exchange Rate (Independent Publisher) Expensya Experlogix Smart Flows Expiration Reminder EXPOCAD Face API FactSet Fantasy Premier League (Independent Publisher) Farsight DNSDB FCA (Independent Publisher) Feathery Feathery Forms Federal Reserve Economic Data (Independent Publisher) Fe...