I created a form using Forms in my Teams community, at my lesson's classroom. This form should be used by other teachers in Teams for their own classroom as well. How can I share the specific form with them to use and maybe slightly edit further for their o...
Select theEmailbutton. When your designated email application opens, add email addresses of the people for whom you intend the form. Microsoft Forms includes a brief note in the email body and a link to your form. You can customize the email message as you like....
When you share a form or quiz to collaborate, you still remain the owner and it remains in your Forms portal, but your co-authors can view and edit it through the link you shared with them. At the top of the form or quiz that you've shared, you can see the initia...
When you share a form or quiz to collaborate, you still remain the owner and it remains in your Forms portal, but your co-authors can view and edit it through the link you shared with them. At the top of the form or quiz that you've shared, you can see the initials of each perso...
与学生和教师共享Microsoft Forms5 分钟 当教师协作时,学生几乎始终受益。 如果有适用于一名教师的 Microsoft 表单,则可以轻松修改,让它适合其他教师或其他班级。 本教程介绍与同事共享这些评估是多么简单。反馈 此页面是否有帮助? 是 否 中文(简体) 你的隐私选择 主题 管理Cookie 早期版本 博客 ...
Shareability with external users: Users can share their forms with external users, such as customers or clients, to collect responses from a wider audience. Integration with Microsoft Excel in real-time: Users can sync their form responses with Excel in real-time, allowing them to view and anal...
Applies To Microsoft Forms Administer aquiz or form to your studentsin a few short steps. Share your quiz via link, email, QR code, and more. Note:The following instructions are specific to EDU customers. Share a form or quiz First, open the form or quiz you'd like t...
属性 NewFormSettings:string 指示已更新设置的名称和新值。 属性 thankYouMessageContainsLink:boolean 指示更新的 thankyou 消息包含 URL 链接。 已更新用户设置 UpdateUserSetting 表单所有者更新用户设置。 属性UserSettingName:string 表示设置的名称和新值 已列出表单 ListForms 表单所有者正在查看表单列表。 属性View...
Hello, I have created form for Office 365 group using Microsoft Teams and Microsoft Forms. I want to know that how can make a copy group form in Microsoft...
屏幕上出现以下窗口,在搜索框中输入图像的名称,单击“搜索”。屏幕上会出现图像列表,根据您的要求选择图像,然后单击添加。 以下屏幕截图显示了主题已添加到测验中。 分享测验/表格 有以下几种共享测验的方法- 1.使用链接 如果您没有要发送表格或测验的人的电子邮件地址,则该链接是发送测验/表格的最佳方式。