Microsoft Flight Simulator is just good especially if you use a yoke or a joystick. however, if you attempt to use an Xbox Controller then I recommend you to have a YOKE! Report PC 10 pellegatte Jun 11, 2023 Within the first six hours, I already realized that this is the best loading...
现在国内能买到的民航杆只有 Honeycomb Yoke 这一款(更新:Honeycomb 公司内部出问题;波音 TCA Yoke 不错不过体积有点大)。摇杆可以选 VKB 等专业飞行外设品牌;不推荐买 Thrustmaster 和 Logitech/Saitek 的摇杆和方向盘(摇杆详见文章DCS指南,里面有介绍力回馈摇杆)。 2024 更新:Yoke 推荐买 Virpil Yoke 或 CLS-60/...
For the AAU_02 update, we made a change to allow control of the cursor with all joysticks, and not only with gamepad. This change had the unintended consequence of causing the central white dot to display when moving the camera or when using a joystick/mouse at the same time. To address...
I could/can fly them with my Yoke setup instead, but feel the "fly by wire" mood would suffer a bit, and the TCA gear is a licenced Airbus product with the look and feel to match. Hopefully gets fixed soon, I'd like to mess around more with the Air freighters https://aircraft...
A Microsoft Mouse or compatible pointing device A DirectX 7-compatible joystick or flight yoke (recommended)** A Microsoft DirectSound 7-compatible sound card with speakers or headphones for audio playback * Microsoft recommends that you keep at least 50 MB of ...
Free Flight Menu was bugged, I could begin playing because I was able to memorize the whole menu. Input:Inaccuracy You can't use Mouse Yoke and see around the cockpit because you will see the plane cockpit but you also will be moving it with your mouse Performance:Slight Performance Problem...
that provides ‘Take-off Assistance’. When this option is set (which it is by default since the update back in Mid 2021) the simulator tries to override the users throttle and some joystick movements on take-off. This forces the flight simulator to take 2 sets of input signals for the ...
I'm still waiting to get reviews on a good joystick/throttle combo with separate rudder. My Wingman Force 3d isn't precise enough anymore and I think the motor may be stripped or not supported properly in Windows 10? I just don't want to go full yoke because it's too much work ...
Fixed default mapping for Elevator, Ailerons, and Mixture axes on CH Flight Sim Yoke doesn’t work Fixed default mapping of axes on CH Throttle Quadrant are incorrect Fixed unresponsive Joystick L-Axis Y on CH Throttle Quadrant Fixed unable to exit Pause menu using Menu button on T.Flight HO...