that provides ‘Take-off Assistance’. When this option is set (which it is by default since the update back in Mid 2021) the simulator tries to override the users throttle and some joystick movements on take-off. This forces the flight simulator to take 2 sets of input signals for the ...
Aircraft throttle will not move forward or back, until my slider reaches 3/3 forward (add thrust) or 1/3 back (reduce thrust). It's like I have to nudge the thrust then return my slider to the middle third to stop the input. Adjusting sensitivities and n
Microsoft Flight Simulator (1250410) Logitech Extreme 3D throttle control/Joystick R-Axis X does not function when in flight Issue transferred from #7121. @AbnocChinwads posted on 2023-09-22T23:01:20: Compatibility Report Name of the game with compatibility issues: Microsoft Flight Simulator Stea...
If it is stopping you getting full throttle then maybe that’s linked to the throttle mapping issues that people are reporting that can sometimes be fixed by disengaging and reengaging the flight idle stop. Also the OP has noted the recommended fix for this known bug. Rotate Power Management ...
Fixed engine start-up and throttle issues Fixed altimeter reading 0 when over 10,000ft Fixed magnetic compass jumping Updated geometry and textures for entire cockpit Updated rear wall fuel panel with correct levers Improved gauge readability
Thrustmaster TPR Rudder Pedals - Saitek Throttles Raven Flight Registered Users 62 PostedDecember 11, 2020 pmcgough said: I've been extremely lucky using FS2020 and have experienced very little issues, until yesterday. When I launched the sim, I received the following fatal error: ...
不同工况下(起飞、爬升、巡航)按照 POH 设置转速 RPM 后调节油门 ("Prop on top": Increase RPM before increasing throttle. Reduce throttle before reducing RPM)。 Condition Lever:Low-idle is used for starting and taxi; High-idle is used for normal flight and any time that extra bleed air is ...
Max thrust limiter now has a TC and needs 5s to go from 100% to 0% when throttle is reduced, fixes jet engine sound at full throttle stops too abruptly when quickly reducing power Fixed increasing/decreasing the whole nav frequency carry the decimal part ...
When i was at TO/GA phase the throttle itself reduced to IDLE automatically(Not Autothrottle) when i tried to put back to TO/GA, it didn't work(i can't even move throttle's) In conclusion, wasted money... Report PC 1 Wiezzel Mar 22, 2024 4 hours in the game, still done...
Known issues and doubts: The stick responses are good enough for all axes after tuning PID values but the throttle seems sluggish for flying or testing. (takeoff at ~1700; almost full when doing maneuvers). Is this a basic inertia/mass issue? Shouldn't it be decoupled from raw PWM values...