FuelConnect is a Microsoft Flight Simulator add-on that was designed to track fuel usage and upload the results to the fuel planner server. FuelConnect requires FSUIPC (www.schiratti.com/dowson.html). This version has been tested in FS2004, but should work fine with FS2002 and FSX. USAGE ...
Leaning is not required in turbine engines; this function is performed automatically by a dedicated fuel control unit. 飞行计划Flight plan(航线)可以通过各种网站在线生成(搜 Sim Flight Planning,打开网站填起始地和目的地和机型/飞行高度后点生成,其他参数会自动生成),FP各种参数的解释见网页里的 Interactive ...
and more. Improved ground and water handling further enhance realism. · New, highly accurate aircraft systems including electrical, pneumatic, fuel and hydraulic systems, payload and passenger systems, and avionics like the Universal UNS-1 FMS and Honeywell Primus Epic 2. Preflight inspections and ...
最新的 Sim 更新添加了 SimBrief 与 787 的 EFB 集成以及…… Sim Update 13现已可供那些希望在正式发布之前试用的用户下载。 Sim Update 13 一直被认为是模拟器的一个相当重要的更新,特别是对于航空电子设备和飞机而言。但它不仅仅如此,还对 UI 进行了额外的更改,修复了各种 SDK 和 API 元素等等。此新更新的...
fuel and hydraulic systems, payload and passenger systems, and avionics like the Universal UNS-1 FMS and Honeywell Primus Epic 2. Preflight inspections and walkaround checks add to immersion. · Plan your flights with a groundbreaking flight planner which supports both IFR and VFR map layers, IF...
Preflight inspections and walkaround checks add to immersion. · Plan your flights with a groundbreaking flight planner which supports both IFR and VFR map layers, IFR charts, route planning, fuel and payload planning, vertical profile planning, and ETOPS planning. It also provides airport ...
Preflight inspections and walkaround checks add to immersion. · Plan your flights with a groundbreaking flight planner which supports both IFR and VFR map layers, IFR charts, route planning, fuel and payload planning, vertical profile planning, and ETOPS planning. It also provides airport ...
fuel and hydraulic systems, payload and passenger systems, and avionics like the Universal UNS-1 FMS and Honeywell Primus Epic 2. Preflight inspections and walkaround checks add to immersion. · Plan your flights with a groundbreaking flight planner which supports both IFR and VFR map layers, IF...
I’d assumed that SimBrief is calculating fuel for the flight and the alternate. And I don’t mean to imply that I’m nearly empty on every flight; I’ve just noticed that sometimes I’m left with less than 2,000 lbs and that seems low. Given my inexperience as a non-pilot, I ma...
fuel and hydraulic systems, payload and passenger systems, and avionics like the Universal UNS-1 FMS and Honeywell Primus Epic 2. Preflight inspections and walkaround checks add to immersion. · Plan your flights with a groundbreaking flight planner which supports both IFR and VFR map layers, IF...