February 21, 2025|Posted by: Microsoft Flight Simulator Team This week’s Screenshot Challenge winner is X/Twitter user @ARROW2929! If you’re interested in participating in our weekly Screenshot Challenges, check out the details in the Community section below!In this week’s Development Update...
Join us for the Microsoft Flight Simulator 2024 Technical Alpha in October - Microsoft Flight Simulator It's now possible to register to participate in an...
I'm really not used to the MS flight series other than randomly doing free play which after some time gets boring. Does it have a sort of career mode or campaign where let's say you start as a small time pilot, learn the basics and then go up from there ? Hans Gruber Platinum ...
The free roam camera is super cool, fast and smooth way of panning around. Looking forward to doing so around all planes. Overall I'm excited. MS just need to allow us to download certain parts of the game like planes, buildings or regions and it will be a lovely gaming experience. ...
Redditor Fumbleturkey has been lately playing around with WeakAuras in first person and the results lead to truly immersive gameplay. WeakAuras have really great potential when it comes to first-person gameplay in World of Warcraft, and if you don't believe that, Fumbleturkey has two...
Players on Reddit have accumulated a number of similar landmarks, such as the ancient Roman Arènes de Nîmes, which also has a couple of terrace buildings in its center for good measure. I’m sure everyone will be sharing their best screenshots over the next few days, so just for fun...
https://microsoftedge.microsoft.com/addons/microsoft-edge-themes Personalize Edge with themes that change the look and feel of your browser and...
: HPReverb (reddit.com) Show them the price difference for the same part and ask for that price if they do not want to replace it for free. Good luck, Regards, G 1 Like shazzamenendez May 3, 2022, 9:00am 14 I got sick and tired of regular 7-14 errors every time i went ...
PLEASE go with steam. I’ve ran into so many problems worth he microsoft store version. I can’t delete a bad version that got corrupted as its “protected” despite following instructions detailed by both microsoft and reddit users. My only option is to format the drive. Unless y...