These commands refer to all aspects of flight simulation, covering everything from the main menu to the flight instruments, the cameras, autopilot, landing gear, lights, radio, and much more. An invaluable source of quickly accessed information for all virtual pilots so as to enhance the virtual...
XP11 默认机型建议安装 MGouge's Update Mods(改善气动,附带机型的 POH)并在游戏设置里启用 Experimental Flight Model 驾驶舱仪表简介看链接里的 A Tour of the Cockpit活塞动力 (C172SP)涡轮螺旋桨动力 (King Air C90B) G530 等航电系统手册 小工具VOR Simulator 交...
Coupled VNAV with editable constraints, flight path angles, vertical path smoothing, and VNAV-invalidation conditions Advanced autopilot, including armable lateral and vertical modes as well as complex combined-armed modes – Full specification-accurate TCAS II traffic system Cabin pressurization and complet...
I have same issue. First noticed on a C172 flight from California to Hawaii. Everytime I try to do a long flight I get similar in every aircraft. Replicated issue in flights from Alaska to South America, anything crossing an ocean on A320, TBM930, C172, Citations. FSIkarusFebruary 11,...
Improving reset behavior of the Framework Autopilot FLC logic to create a smoother initialization of the mode. (AAU_02) Improving the Garmin FlightPlanSyncManager to better accommodate the GNS. (AAU_02) THIRD PARTY UPDATE As of 06/03, we have now approved 210 (+0) third parties into the ...
Some instances of the autopilot skipping approach waypoints still occur - this is deep in the sim handling of waypoints and is, for now, out of our hands. We will continue to research this. Chock 1.1: "The only thing that whines louder than a jet engine is a flight simmer." ...
[autopilot.n] [payload.n] [sling.n.n] [controls.n] [simscheduler] [weather] [message window] [flying tip window] [resourcepath] [objectfile]The sections are listed here in alphabetical order.[atc_activeflightplan.n] [atc_agent.n] [atc_agentmanager] [atc_aircraftdata.n] [atc_aircraft...
Of course, once you have mastered all or some of the above, you will see the immediate advantages of flight planning. For example, the flight plan will appear on the onboard GPS unit, as well as the simulator map, and this gives the autopilot a route to carry out. The air traffic co...
Check the panel.- If you mean, is the aircraft in the process of executing a roll, no. Note the degree of bank in the screenshot. Other than that, the plane is in straight and level flight and, once the autopilot is activated (using only the heading and altitude hold features), then...
The autopilot is very unrealistic 3. The ATC wold rather make you crash than land 4. It has so many bugs (for example the sometimes it just puts your thrust in idle, turns off electrical systems or just puts full flaps when you don't wan't them) 5. You need to buy anoter like ...