对于FastTrack 迁移服务,Microsoft是数据处理者。 根据我们的 Fast Track 其他隐私披露声明,迁移中的所有数据都被视为“迁移数据”。如果需要在组织参与 FastTrack 迁移项目时执行 DSR,则需要特别小心。 如果需要在通过 FastTrack 迁移系统处理用户数据时处理任何访问、纠正或导出 DSR 请求,客户有责任通过存储用户数据的现...
跨支援系統要求刪除數據主體個人資料的客戶,可以透過客戶成功帳戶管理員 (CSAM) ,或在 Services Hub 或對等系統中提出支援要求 (SR) 來執行此動作。 您必須指出此要求是協助您在 GDPR 下的 DSR。選項A:跨 Microsoft 支援客戶 DSR。 針對跨系統 DSR,客戶必須提供Microsoft識別所需數據所需的個人資料 (例如電子郵件...
針對產業解決方案,在 [Microsoft 產品和服務數據保護增補 (DPA) ] 下 () https://www.microsoft.com/licensing/docs/view/Microsoft-Products-and-Services-Data-Protection-Addendum-DPA。 Microsoft 是客戶聯繫人與參與小組合作的數據控制者。 這些人員應連絡 隱私權回應中心 ,以履行數據主體許可權。 Microsoft 是 ...
登录Outlook.com、Hotmail.com、MSN.com 或 Live.com 帐户。下载免费的桌面和移动应用,在一个位置关联你的所有电子邮件帐户(包括 Gmail、Yahoo 和 iCloud)。
For example, you might determine that an Enterprise Services server application is required for security and fault tolerance reasons. Be aware of the relative performance tradeoff. Cross machine. Crossing a machine boundary is the most expensive boundary to cross, due to network latency and ...
Microsoft private cloud offerings can help customers and service providers build dedicated infrastructure as a service (IaaS) environments that transform the way they deliver IT services. Specifically, Microsoft Private Cloud Fast Track solutions provide a streamlined approach to delivering scalable...
If you need to support both workloads, consider creating a reporting server that supports the OLAP and reporting workloads. If you perform lots of analysis, consider using SQL Server Analysis Services to perform those functions.Normalize First, Denormalize for Performance Later...
{"__typename":"ForumTopicMessage","uid":2368024,"subject":"Fast Track set to expire June 30 \\2021","id":"message:2368024","revisionNum":1,"repliesCount":6,"author":{"__ref":"User:user:1057919"},"depth":0,"hasGivenKudo":false,"board":{"__ref":"Forum:board:F...
Secondly, the collection class likely had a more complex design in the first place to offer those thread-safety services, which is a price you have to pay whenever you use the class.In contrast to regular classes, static classes (those with only static methods) should be thread safe by ...
Hi community, we already partners and deliver added value to our customers through other programs and we are interested in being part of the fast track program, is there anyone here who can kindly guide us on how to become a fast track partner? Thank you in advance for your supp...