可以通过将成员添加到“家庭”来创建家庭组。 登录 注意: 如果某人已是某个家庭组的一部分,则必须先离开该组或从该组中删除,然后才能加入另一个组。 他们还可以创建一个新的 Microsoft 帐户以与新的家庭组相关联。 了解Microsoft家庭安全特性和优势。 家庭组织者可以按照以下步骤添加家庭成员。
Enjoy peace of mind and make sure family members only see safe content when you set up Kids Mode in Microsoft Edge. Set up a browsing mode designed for children to safely explore the web Online safety tips Make sure your child is optimizing for online safety, whether they're learning remote...
3. Click Settings. 4. Enter Family Safety. 5. In the left pane, click Set up Family Safety for any user. 6. In the next window, click the account for which you want to control access rights and restrictions. 7. Leave the settings unchanged, and click Web filtering to determine which ...
Microsoft Family Features are exclusive to Microsoft Services and are not transferable to other platforms. For example, Xbox-specific Family Safety settings will apply on Xbox console or via Xbox on PC or Mobile device but may not apply on other platforms. Group Messaging d. Group Messaging. ...
登录Outlook.com、Hotmail.com、MSN.com 或 Live.com 帐户。下载免费的桌面和移动应用,在一个位置关联你的所有电子邮件帐户(包括 Gmail、Yahoo 和 iCloud)。
Activity reports are stored on family.microsoft.com for up to 30 days and then deleted after.Safe search adds a safe keyword to the header request to search engines. Bing reads the safe keyword and filters search results returned to the child. Other search engines may return filtered results ...
Activity reports are stored on family.microsoft.com for up to 30 days and then deleted after.Safe search adds a safe keyword to the header request to search engines. Bing reads the safe keyword and filters search results returned to the child. Other search engines may return filtered results ...
A family of Microsoft client/server messaging and collaboration software. 1,373 questions Sign in to follow Microsoft Authenticator Microsoft Authenticator A Microsoft app for iOS and Android devices that enables authentication with two-factor verification, phone sign-in, and code generation. ...
Quiz creation– use your phone to create quizzes, set correct answers and points Quiz grading and commenting -review quiz responses and manual grade & comment where needed Preview– preview the Form or Quiz before you send it out. You can easily see what it will look like for both phone ...
Activity reports are stored on family.microsoft.com for up to 30 days and then deleted after.Safe search adds a safe keyword to the header request to search engines. Bing reads the safe keyword and filters search results returned to the child. Other search engines may return filtered results ...