我们尽最大努力使Family Safety体验出色,但有时可能存在问题,我们希望帮助解决这些问题。 联系支持人员 从Family Safety移动应用发送错误日志 如果你打开了Family Safety移动应用并遇到问题,你可以向我们发送反馈或你的日志,我们将进行查看。 点击“开始”图标 >“帮助 & 反馈> 故障排除”下方选...
✅ Microsoft Family Safety Error:Hello, today I needed to give my son more computer time to complete his school work. However, either through the mobile application or via the web, the...
以下是您在使用家長監護服務功能時可能會遇到的最常見問題,以及解決方法。 登錄 無法登入 常見問題 其他問題 WindowsXboxAndroid 取得更多說明 我們盡力讓 Family Safety 體驗變得更好,但有時候可能會有問題,而且我們想要協助解決問題。 連絡客戶支援 從Family Safety 行動裝置 App 傳送錯誤記錄檔 ...
I have three younger sisters, all three have the same make and model of Toshiba laptops. We have family safety set up on all three laptops but only two of them work correctly. The two that work block the internet and give feedback on activity. My youngest sister has family safety set u...
We do our best to make the Family Safety experience great but sometimes there could be issues, and we want to help resolve them. Contact support Send an error log from the Family Safety mobile app If you have the Family Safety mobile app open and are experiencing issues, you...
HELP 当有人邀请你加入 Microsoft 家庭时,你会收到一条短信。 编辑短信“HELP”、“AIDE”或“INFO”发送到 67326 即可获得帮助,或访问https://account.microsoft.com/family了解有关 Microsoft 家庭功能的详细信息。 若要与客户服务进行交流,请联系 Microsoft 客户支持。
There’s a temporary problem with the service. Please try again, this is a common error reported by Microsoft Family Safety users on Windows 11. To fix this issue, we would suggest you restart the device you are using. Sometimes your antivirus may block certain apps from running, so make...
06 这玩意儿还依赖 Edge Webview2 Runtime。很正常,地图位置,web应用么
你可以使用Microsoft Family Safety来阻止家庭成员在 Windows、Xbox 和 Android 手机上使用的应用。 选择选项卡,获取有关如何使用 Microsoft Family Safety 管理应用阻止的说明。 注意:只有家庭组织者才能阻止应用。 WebAndroidiOS 在account.microsoft.com/family 阻止家庭成员的应用 ...
HELP 当有人邀请你加入 Microsoft 家庭时,你会收到一条短信。 编辑短信“HELP”、“AIDE”或“INFO”发送到 67326 即可获得帮助,或访问https://account.microsoft.com/family了解有关 Microsoft 家庭功能的详细信息。 若要与客户服务进行交流,请联系 Microsoft 客户支持。