FamilySafetySettingsEnabled 允许用户配置家庭安全和儿童模式 FavoritesBarEnabled 启用收藏夹栏 FetchKeepaliveDurationSecondsOnShutdown 获取关机时的保留持续时间 FileOrDirectoryPickerWithoutGestureAllowedForOrigins 允许在没有之前的用户手势的情况下调用文件或目录选取器 API ForceBingSafeSearch 强制实施必应安全搜索 ForceBu...
FamilySafetySettingsEnabled 允許使用者設定家庭安全與兒童模式 FavoritesBarEnabled 啟用我的最愛列 FetchKeepaliveDurationSecondsOnShutdown 擷取關機時的存留持續時間 FileOrDirectoryPickerWithoutGestureAllowedForOrigins 允許在沒有事先用戶手勢的情況下呼叫檔案或目錄選擇器 API ForceBingSafeSearch 強制執行 Bing 安全搜尋...
()324325# Create a unique package name based on family and LSV.326# We will choose a name that can be parsed by later scripts.327$packageName=$uefiV2.SurfaceUefiFamily +"^Settings^"+$lsv+".pkg"328$fullPackageName=Join-Path-Path$packageRoot-ChildPath$packageName329330# Build and sign ...
PackageFamilyName 要安裝的套件的名稱。 ProductId 要安裝的產品的 Store 產品識別碼。 SkuId 要安裝的項目的特定版本。Microsoft.Windows.StoreAgent.Telemetry.EndAcquireLicense這個事件會在產品安裝時,取得授權後傳送。 它用來協助 Windows 保持最新狀態及安全。以下...
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There are many ways to support your colleagues, classmates, friends, and family members with disabilities. See accessibility training essentials Browse accessibility videos Technical support Disability Answer Desk provides product support for our customers with disabilities, including Microsoft Office, Win...
If your subscription has expired, you can renew it by following the steps inRenew Microsoft 365 Family. After you renew your subscription, you can restart your Office apps as needed. If Office still won't activate, continue to the next step ...
License Logging is not included in Windows Server 2008 and later operating systems. We recommend that only users of the Microsoft Small Business Server family of operating systems enable this service on their servers.System service name: LicenseService...
I love < Live caption > function of Google chrome. I have been wrestling with finding the same function in Microsoft Edge. Many helps online...