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DisableAuthNegotiateCnameLookup 範例值:複製 false 回到頁首AuthServerAllowlist驗證伺服器允許清單支援於:自109 版起Microsoft Edge (Android) 描述設定原則會指定應該允許哪些伺服器進行整合式驗證。 只有當Microsoft Edge 從 Proxy 或此允許清單中的伺服器取得驗證挑戰時,才會開啟整合式驗證。讓...
If you're accessing Power BI on a web browser version older than Chrome 94, Microsoft Edge 94, Safari 16.4, Firefox 93, or equivalent, you need upgrade your web browser to a newer version by August 31, 2024. Using an outdated browser version after this date can prevent you from accessing...
For files that are on the Monitored files list, you can disable classification through this setting. Once you put a file extension in this setting, Endpoint DLP will not scan content in files with this extension. As a result, Endpoint DLP will not policy evaluation based on the content of ...
Extensions designed for Google Chrome can also be used in Microsoft Edge. In Microsoft Edge, go to theChrome Web Store. SelectAllow extensions from other storesin the banner at the top of the page, then selectAllowto confirm. Select the extension you want to add and...
A family of Microsoft server operating systems that support enterprise-level management, data storage, applications, and communications. 13,729 questions Sign in to follow SharePoint SharePoint A group of Microsoft Products and technologies used for sharing and managing content, knowledge, and ...
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If the authentication request sent to Microsoft Entra ID include the prompt=login parameter, disable the prompt=login capability by running the following command: PowerShell Copy Set-MsolDomainFederationSettings –DomainName DomainName -PromptLoginBehavior Disabled After you run this command, Office ...
因为已经用另一台电脑在其他网络环境下验证过了,并且发现Chrome没有这个问题,所以基本确定就是Edge的问题。 搞不懂为什么同为Chromium内核却不具有相同的兼容性,B站视频播放页面的代码难道有什么让Edge崩溃的玄机吗,有无大佬解答一下 另外,有人遇到相同问题 梦境行侠 3-8 32 edge浏览器所有网页都打不开,设置...