While Microsoft Excel is an excellent tool for project managers and planners, unlocking its full potential can be daunting without the right templates. Make no mistake, you can always create a workbook from scratch and share it with team members, but a dedicated template speeds up the entire pr...
可以,可以使用设计菜单向 Excel 模板中的同一个或其他工作表添加更多实体。 例如,可以添加BudgetPlanProposedProject数据源,以便在 Excel 中处理预算计划数据的同时,创建和维护一列建议的项目。 请注意,包含大量数据源可能影响 Excel 工作簿的性能。 可使用数据连接器中的筛选器选项向更多数据源添加所需筛选器。 是否...
Excel 模板中不允许重叠元素。 例如,如果布局中包含 Request Q1、Request Q2、Request Q3 和 Request Q4 列,以及表示所有 4 个季度列总和的请求总计列,则只能在 Excel 模板中使用季度列或总计列。 更新期间,此 Excel 文件不能更新重叠列,因为表中的数据可能超出日期范围,因此不精确。 备注 要避免使用 Excel 查看...
以下是建立 Excel 範本的步驟。步驟1:從現有資料建立新範本有兩個地方可讓您建立 Excel 範本:從[設定] 頁面。 移至設定>範本>文件範本>新增()。 您必須具備足夠的權限,才能存取 [設定] 頁面,例如系統管理員或系統自訂員。 從記錄清單。 例如,前往銷售>商機>我待處理的商機。 在功能表列上,按一下 Excel ...
Find customizable Excel design templates that'll help you get started on your next project. Find templates that'll jumpstart your work the next time you need to crunch some numbers.
Start maintaining your finances with an Excel budget planning template. Customize an Excel template to suit your financial management needs, from small-business books to household budgets.
Find customizable Excel design templates that'll help you get started on your next project. Find templates that'll jumpstart your work the next time you need to crunch some numbers.
Microsoft.Office.Tools.Excel 命名空間所包含的一組類型,可擴充及支援使用 Visual Studio 中的 Office 開發工具所建立之專案中的 Microsoft Office Excel 物件模型。 如需這些專案的詳細資訊,請參閱 Office Project Templates Overview(Office 專案範本概觀)。
Find customizable Excel design templates that'll help you get started on your next project. Find templates that'll jumpstart your work the next time you need to crunch some numbers.
More about importing and exporting project data If you frequently start your projects in Excel, try using one of the project templates there. They're designed to use the appropriate fields to make mapping from Excel to Project easier. In Excel, select File>...