“microsoft excel is waiting for another application to complete an ole action”这一错误信息表明,Excel 正在等待另一个应用程序完成一个 OLE(对象链接与嵌入)操作。OLE 允许应用程序之间共享和嵌入数据,但当被调用的应用程序未能及时响应或遇到问题时,就可能导致 Excel 陷入等待状态。 2. 常见原因 应用程序冲突:...
对象链接和嵌入(OLE)动作本质上是一种机制,旨在帮助各种Office应用程序(Word,Excel,Powerpoint,Sharepoint)与其他应用程序进行通信。 如果Excel向另一个应用程序(例如Word)发出通信请求,它将使用OLE对象执行该请求,然后等待该应用程序的响应。如果响应未在默认时间阈;内到达,则Excel将向最终用户触发以下警告: “ Microso...
The “Microsoft Excel is Waiting for Another Application to Complete an OLE Action” error occurs when Excel can’t continue because it’s waiting for another program to finish an action initiated through OLE (Object Linking and Embedding). This error typically arises when Excel interacts with ext...
在沒有物件辨識符號的情況下使用時,這個屬性會傳回代表 Microsoft Excel 應用程式的Application物件。 物件辨識符號搭配使用時,此屬性會傳回代表指定之物件的建立者的Application物件。 唯讀。 語法 運算式。應用 表達代表Action物件的變數。 註解 使用此屬性搭配 OLE Automation 物件可傳回該物件的應用程式。
If you've ever encountered the "OLE actionExcel" error message in Microsoft Excel, you know how frustrating it can be. This error message appears when Excel waits for another application to complete an OLE (Object Linking and Embedding) action. Fortunately, there are ways to troubleshoot and ...
使用Excel自动化其他MS-FICE应用程序时,我经常得到只有的提示Microsoft Excel is waiting for another application to complete an OLE action. 仅当自动执行冗长的任务时才发生。 我该如何以适当的方式处理? 最近的两个示例(我侦察代码不太重要): 用一个Access.Application并通过在大量数据上运行相当复杂的SQL-queries...
Method 6: By Restricting the Excel Application Messaging Try this method if you encounter the “Microsoft Excel is waiting for another application to complete an OLE action” error while running a VBA script. However, this is just a workaround and does not solve the issue itself. But, it ca...
4. Run Excel in Safe Mode PressWindows key+RtoopentheRundialog box. Type the following command and press enter: excel /safe Try editing the same spreadsheet you first got the error on and see if persists. What is an OLE action in Excel?
Whenever I copy paste special in excel, my excel file freezes and after a waiting for a few seconds to few minutes, depending on the amount of data being copy pasted, I get this error 'Microsoft Excel is waiting for another application to complete an OLE action' ...
Over 30 years of OLE and Microsoft was unable to make the Cancel button in that error dialog aborting the OLE action. Shall we proposed this for an entry in the guiness book of records? We do always get new office versions, even sharepoint online with an excel with stripped down...