我所使用的 Excel 資料,是由 codeplex.com 所提供。在使用您自己的試算表資料分析時,請記住,為了能找出有意義的模式,您一開始使用的正確資料必須要有一定的數量,至少要 50 個資料列。 精靈 我們感興趣的是 [Level2Operators] 和[ServiceGrade],所以在本教學課程的示範過程中,我會隱藏一些資料行,方便我們檢視...
As with any formula in Excel, you need to start by typing an equal sign (=) in the cell where you want your result, followed by the rest of the formula. The basic formula for calculating a percentage is =part/total. In the example below, Actual Points/Possible Points = Grade %: Say...
I'm using the following formula to lookup my letter grade and and convert that into grade points. =LOOKUP(E27,{"A","A-","B+","B","B-","C+","C","C-","D+","D","D-","F"},{4,3.67,3.33,3,2.67,2.33,2,1.67,1.33,1,0.67,0}) But, I get the following results when u...
Remarks To specify a default result, enter TRUE for your final logical_test argument. If none of the other conditions are met, the corresponding value will be returned. In Example 1, rows 6 and 7 (with the 58 grade) demonstrate this. If alogical_testargument is supplied without a correspo...
In this scenario, if the number in B2 is points answered correctly and the number in C2 is the total points possible, you can type the formula =B2/C2 in D2 to find the grade. This formula divides 42 by 50 to find the percentage of correct answers. (In the example shown here, the...
Excel.ChartGridlines Representa linhas de grade principais ou secundárias em um eixo do gráfico. Excel.ChartGridlinesFormat Encapsula as propriedades de formato das linhas de grade do gráfico. Excel.ChartLegend Representa a legenda de um gráfico. Excel.ChartLegendEntry Representa a entra...
Hi everyone,First I just want to thank all of you for your extraordinary abilities! Here is my problem. I want to track basketball teams, players...
Muitas características da planilha, como barras de rolagem e linhas de grade, são na realidade propriedades da janela. Windows Uma coleção de todos os Window objetos no Microsoft Excel. Workbook Representa uma pasta de trabalho do Microsoft Excel. WorkbookConnection Uma conexão é um ...
Uma planilha do Excel é uma grade de células. Pode conter dados, tabelas, gráficos, etc. Para saber mais sobre o modelo de objeto de folha de cálculo, leia Trabalhar com folhas de cálculo com a API JavaScript do Excel.
To access the function through the "Formulas" menu, select the "More Functions" drop-down, select the "Statistical" option, scroll down a bit, and then click the "STDEV.P" formula. In the Function Arguments window, select all of the cells in the "Values" column as the input for the ...