Excel Data Validation - Lists This is in regards to using "List" in Data Validation. I am using a table and in a column of cells I call on list from this table. I am wanting to use another column to select from pre-defined set of 4 parameters, Based on what you choose in Column...
Hello, Last mont or so i created an excel with a data Validation like this: =IF($C$2="DAM-1",'Hiden Data'!$B$2:$B$5,IF($C$2="DAM-2",'Hiden Data'!$B$6:$B$8,IF($C$2="DISCO FAN LEAP-A",'Hiden Data'!$B$9:$B$20,IF($C$2="DISCO FAN LEAP-B",'Hiden Data'...
You can restrict cell entries to a predefined list. (Data > Validation). In the allow box, select list. Make sure the "in cell" drop-down is selected. There are three levels of data validation Information, Warning and Stop. The default is Stop which means that data or numbers cannot be...
DataValidation.List 属性 参考 反馈 定义 命名空间: DocumentFormat.OpenXml.Office2016.Excel 程序集: DocumentFormat.OpenXml.dll 包: DocumentFormat.OpenXml v3.0.1 列表。 表示架构中的以下元素标记:x12ac:list。 C# 复制 public DocumentFormat.OpenXml.Office2010.ExcelAc.List? List { get; set; }...
DataFieldExtensionList DataFields DataReference DataReferences DataValidation 概述 构造函数 属性 AllowBlank 错误 ErrorStyle ErrorTitle Formula1 Formula2 ImeMode 列表 LocalName 运算符 Prompt PromptTitle SequenceOfReferences ShowDropDown ShowErrorMessage ...
Excel.ListDataValidation 注解 [API 集:ExcelApi 1.8] 示例 TypeScript // Link to full sample: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/OfficeDev/office-js-snippets/prod/samples/excel/22-data-validation/data-validation.yamlawaitExcel.run(async(context) => {constsheet = context.workbook.worksheets.getItem...
Weitere Informationen finden Sie unterExcel.DataValidationTypeTyp der Datenüberprüfung. TypeScript readonlytype: Excel.DataValidationType |"None"|"WholeNumber"|"Decimal"|"List"|"Date"|"Time"|"TextLength"|"Custom"|"Inconsistent"|"MixedCriteria"; ...
Use data validation rules to control the type of data or the values that users enter into a cell. One example of validation is a drop-down list (also called a drop-down box or drop-down menu). Watch more in this video.
DataValidationForumla1 DataValidationForumla2 DataValidations DdeValues DefinedName DefinedNames DifferentialFormats DifferentialType DisplayBlanksAsValues DropStyleValues EditValidationValues ExtensionList FillColor 筛选器 FirstMarkerColor FormControlProperties ...
DataValidations 概述 构造函数 属性 方法 DdeValues DefinedName DefinedNames DifferentialFormats DifferentialType DisplayBlanksAsValues DropStyleValues EditValidationValues ExtensionList FillColor 筛选器 FirstMarkerColor FormControlProperties HighMarkerColor