Microsoft 365 专属 ExcelExcel 网页版Excel 2021Excel 2019Excel 2016Excel 2013 条件格式有助于让数据模式和趋势更明显。 要使用它,创建规则,根据单元格值确定单元格格式,例如以下每月温度数据的单元格颜色与单元格值关联。 你可以将条件格式应用于单元格区域(选择或命名区域)、Excel 表甚至是 Excel for Windows 中...
Use Quick Analysis to apply conditional formatting in Excel Download a sample workbook Format cells by using a two-color scale Format cells by using a three-color scale in Excel Format cells by using data bars Format cells by using an icon set Format cells that co...
Microsoft Office Excel 2007 provides enhanced conditional formatting support. Conditional formatting allows you to apply formatting to one or more cells based on the value of the cell or the value of a formula. This article illustrates how to use the Microsoft Excel 12.0 Object Library to programma...
Implement the conditional formatting. 1. Add a Reference to the Excel 12.0 Object Library First, add a reference to the Microsoft Excel 12.0 Object Library to the Visual Studio project. To do this, right-click on the project in theVisual Studio Solution Explorerand select theAdd Reference…menu... You are awesome!! Really...really appreciate all of this. I'll check it all out. I even appreciate the learning I'm experiencing... Wow...
Excel: A family of Microsoft spreadsheet software with tools for analyzing, charting, and communicating data. Management: The act or process of organizing, handling, directing or controlling something.
Excel JavaScript API Preview ChartSplitType ChartTextHorizontalAlignment ChartTextVerticalAlignment ChartTickLabelAlignment ChartTitlePosition ChartTrendlineType ChartType ChartUnderlineStyle ClearApplyTo CloseBehavior CommentChangeType ConditionalCellValueOperator ...
selected.addConditionalFormat(ExcelScript.ConditionalFormatType.dataBar);constdataBarFormat = format.getDataBar();// Set the lower bound of the data bar formatting to be 0.constlowerBound: ExcelScript.ConditionalDataBarRule = {type: ExcelScript.ConditionalFormatRuleType.number, formula:"0"}; dataBar...
You must manually set the thresholds and ranges for conditional formatting rules. For matrices, Values will refer to the lowest visible level of the matrix hierarchy. Color-code based on text Unlike in Excel, you can't color-code text values to display as a particular color, such as "Accept...